Editors: Karel Fliegel (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic), Mihai Gabriel Constantin (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania), Maria Torres Vega (Ghent University, Belgium)
In this Dataset Column, we present a review of some of the notable events related to open datasets and benchmarking competitions in the field of multimedia. This year’s selection highlights the wide range of topics and datasets currently of interest to the community. Some of the events covered in this review include special sessions on open datasets and competitions featuring multimedia data. While this list is not exhaustive and contains an overview of about 40 datasets, it is meant to showcase the diversity of subjects and datasets explored in the field. This year’s review follows similar efforts from the previous year (https://records.sigmm.org/2022/01/12/overview-of-open-dataset-sessions-and-benchmarking-competitions-in-2021/), highlighting the ongoing importance of open datasets and benchmarking competitions in advancing research and development in multimedia. The column is divided into three parts, in this one we focus on ImageCLEF 2022 and MediaEval 2022:
- ImageCLEF 2022 (https://www.imageclef.org/2022). We summarize the 5 datasets launched for the benchmarking tasks, related to several topics like social media profile assessment (ImageCLEFaware), segmentation and labeling of underwater coral images (ImageCLEFcoral), late fusion ensembling systems for multimedia data (ImageCLEFfusion) and medical imaging analysis (ImageCLEFmedical Caption, and ImageCLEFmedical Tuberculosis).
- MediaEval 2022 (https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/). We summarize the 11 datasets launched for the benchmarking tasks, that target a wide range of multimedia topics like the analysis of flood related media (DisasterMM), game analytics (Emotional Mario), news item processing (FakeNews, NewsImages), multimodal understanding of smells (MUSTI), medical imaging (Medico), fishing vessel analysis (NjordVid), media memorability (Memorability), sports data analysis (Sport Task, SwimTrack), and urban pollution analysis (Urban Air).
For the overview of datasets related to QoMEX 2022 and ODS at MMSys ’22 please check the first part (https://records.sigmm.org/?p=12292), while MDRE at MMM 2022 and ACM MM 2022 are addressed in the second part (http://records.sigmm.org/?p=12360).
ImageCLEF 2022
ImageCLEF is a multimedia evaluation campaign, part of the clef initiative (http://www.clef-initiative.eu/). The 2022 edition (https://www.imageclef.org/2022) is the 19th edition of this initiative and addresses four main research tasks in several domains like: medicine, nature, social media content and user interface processing. ImageCLEF 2021 is organized by Bogdan Ionescu (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania), Henning Müller (University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland), Renaud Péteri (University of La Rochelle, France), Ivan Eggel (University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland) and Mihai Dogariu (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania).
Paper available at: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3180/paper-98.pdf
Popescu, A., Deshayes-Chossar, J., Schindler, H., Ionescu, B.
CEA LIST, France; University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
Dataset available at: https://www.imageclef.org/2022/aware
This represents the second edition of the aware task at ImageCLEF, and it seeks to understand in what way do public social media profiles affect users in certain important scenarios, representing a search or application for: a bank loan, an accommodation, a job as waitress/waiter, and a job in IT.
Paper available at: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3180/paper-97.pdf
Chamberlain, J., de Herrera, A.G.S., Campello, A., Clark, A..
University of Essex, United Kingdom; Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom.
Dataset available at: https://www.imageclef.org/2022/coral
This fourth edition of the coral task addresses the problem of segmenting and labeling a set of underwater images used in the monitoring of coral reefs. The task proposes two subtasks, namely an annotation and localization subtask and a pixel-wise parsing subtask.
Paper available at: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3180/paper-99.pdf
Ştefan, L-D., Constantin, M.G., Dogariu, M., Ionescu, B.
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
Dataset available at: https://www.imageclef.org/2022/fusion
This represents the first edition of the fusion task, and it proposes several scenarios adapted for the use of late fusion or ensembling systems. The two scenarios correspond to a regression approach, using data associated with the prediction of media interestingness, and a retrieval scenario, using data associated with search result diversification.
ImageCLEFmedical Tuberculosis
Paper available at: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3180/paper-96.pdf
Kozlovski, S., Dicente Cid, Y., Kovalev, V., Müller, H.
United Institute of Informatics Problems, Belarus; Roche Diagnostics, Spain; University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Switzerland; University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Dataset available at: https://www.imageclef.org/2022/medical/tuberculosis
This task is now at its sixth edition, and is being upgraded to a detection problem. Furthermore, two tasks are now included: the detection of lung cavern regions in lung CT images associated with lung tuberculosis and the prediction of 4 binary features of caverns suggested by experienced radiologists.
ImageCLEFmedical Caption
Paper available at: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3180/paper-95.pdf
Rückert, J., Ben Abacha, A., de Herrera, A.G.S., Bloch, L., Brüngel, R., Idrissi-Yaghir, A., Schäfer, H., Müller, H., Friedrich, C.M.
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Germany; Microsoft, USA; University of Essex, UK; University Hospital Essen, Germany; University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Switzerland; University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Dataset available at: https://www.imageclef.org/2022/medical/caption
The sixth edition of this task consists of two tasks. In the first task participants must detect relevant medical concepts in a large corpus of medical images, while in the second task coherent captions must be generated for the entirety of the context of medical images, targeting the interplay of many visible concepts.
MediaEval 2022
The MediaEval Multimedia Evaluation benchmark (https://multimediaeval.github.io/) offers challenges in artificial intelligence for multimedia data. This is the 13th edition of MediaEval (https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/) and 11 tasks were proposed for this edition, targeting a large number of challenges by creating algorithms for retrieval, analysis, and exploration. For this edition, a “Quest for Insight” is pursued, where organizers are encouraged to propose interesting and insightful questions about the concepts that will be explored, and participants are encouraged to push beyond only striving to improve evaluation scores and to also working to achieve deeper understanding about the challenges.
DisasterMM: Multimedia Analysis of Disaster-Related Social Media Data
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper5337.pdf
Andreadis, S., Bozas, A., Gialampoukidis, I., Mavropoulos, T., Moumtzidou, A., Vrochidis, S., Kompatsiaris, I., Fiorin, R., Lombardo, F., Norbiato, D., Ferri, M.
Information Technologies Institute – Centre of Research and Technology Hellas, Greece; Eastern Alps River Basin District, Italy.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/disastermm/
The DisasterMM task proposes the analysis of social media data extracted from Twitter, targeting the analysis of natural or man-made disaster posts. For this year, the organizers focused on the analysis of flooding events and proposed two subtasks: relevance classification of posts and location extraction from texts.
Emotional Mario: A Game Analytics Challenge
Preprint or paper not published yet.
Lux, M., Alshaer, M., Riegler, M., Halvorsen, P., Thambawita, V., Hicks, S., Dang-Nguyen, D.-T.,
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria; SimulaMet, Norway; University of Bergen, Norway.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/emotionalmario/
Emotional Mario focuses on the Super Mario Bros videogame, analyzing the data associated with gamers that consists of game input, demographics, biomedical data, and video associated with players’ faces. Two subtasks are proposed: event detection, seeking to identify gaming events of a significant importance based on facial videos and biometric data, and gameplay summarization, seeking to select the best moments of gameplay.
FakeNews Detection
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper116.pdf
Pogorelov, K., Schroeder, D.T., Brenner, S., Maulana, A., Langguth, J.
Simula Research Laboratory, Norway; University of Bergen, Norway; Stuttgart Media University, Germany.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/fakenews/
The FakeNews Detection task proposes several types of methods of analyzing fake news and the way they spread, using COVID-19 related conspiracy theories. The competition proposes three tasks: the first subtask targets conspiracy detection in text-based data, the second asks participants to analyze graphs of conspiracy posters, while the last one combines the first two, aiming at detection on both text and graph data.
MUSTI – Multimodal Understanding of Smells in Texts and Images
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper9634.pdf
Hürriyetoğlu, A., Paccosi, T., Menini, S., Zinnen, M., Lisena, P., Akdemir, K., Troncy, R., van Erp, M.
KNAW Humanities Cluster DHLab, Netherlands; Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Germany; EURECOM, France.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/musti/
MUSTI is one of the few benchmarks that seek to analyze the underrepresented modality of smell. The organizers seek to further the understanding of descriptions of smell in texts and images, and propose two subtasks: the first one aims at classification of smells based on language and image models, predicting whether texts or images evoke the same smell source or not; while the second subtask targets the participants with identifying what are the common smell sources.
Medical Multimedia Task: Transparent Tracking of Spermatozoa
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper5501.pdf
Thambawita, V., Hicks, S., Storås, A.M, Andersen, J.M., Witczak, O., Haugen, T.B., Hammer, H., Nguyen, T., Halvorsen, P., Riegler, M.A.
SimulaMet, Norway; OsloMet, Norway; The Arctic University of Norway, Norway.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/medico/
The Medico Medical Multimedia Task tackles the challenge of tracking sperm cells in video recordings, while analyzing the specific characteristics of these cells. Four subtasks are proposed: a sperm-cell real-time tracking task in videos, a prediction of cell motility task, a catch and highlight task seeking to identify sperm cell speed, and an explainability task.
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper8446.pdf
Kille, B., Lommatzsch, A., Özgöbek, Ö., Elahi, M., Dang-Nguyen, D.-T.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany; University of Bergen, Norway; Kristiania University College, Norway.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/newsimages/
The goal of the NewsImages task is to further the understanding of the relationship between textual and image content in news articles. Participants are tasked with re-linking and re-matching textual news articles with the corresponding images, based on data gathered from social media, news portals and RSS feeds.
NjordVid: Fishing Trawler Video Analytics Task
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper5854.pdf
Nordmo, T.A.S., Ovesen, A.B., Johansen, H.D., Johansen, D., Riegler, M.A.
The Arctic University of Norway, Norway; SimulaMet, Norway.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/njord/
The NjordVid task proposes data associated with fishing vessel recordings, representing a solution to maintaining sustainable fishing practices. Two different tasks are proposed: detection of events on the boat, like movement of people, catching fish, etc, and privacy of on-board personnel.
Predicting Video Memorability
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper2265.pdf
Sweeney, L., Constantin, M.G., Demarty, C.-H., Fosco, C., de Herrera, A.G.S., Halder, S., Healy, G., Ionescu, B., Matran-Fernandez, A., Smeaton, A.F., Sultana, M.
Dublin City University, Ireland; University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania; InterDigital, France; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, USA; University of Essex, UK.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/memorability/
The Video Memorability task asks participants to predict how memorable a video sequence is, targeting short-term memorability. Three subtasks are proposed for this edition: a general video-based prediction task where participants are asked to predict the memorability score of a video, a generalization task where training and testing are performed on different sources of data, and an EEG-based task where annotator EEG scans are provided.
Sport Task: Fine Grained Action Detection and Classification of Table Tennis Strokes from Videos
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper4766.pdf
Martin, P.-E., Calandre, J., Mansencal, B., Benois-Pineau, J., Péteri, R., Mascarilla, L., Morlier, J.
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany; La Rochelle University, France; Univ. Bordeaux, France.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/sportsvideo/
The Sport Task aims at action detection and classification in videos recorded at table tennis events. Low inter-class variability makes this task harder than other traditional action classification benchmarks. Two subtasks are proposed: a classification task where participants are asked to label table tennis videos according to the strokes the players make, and a detection task where participants must detect whether a stroke was made.
SwimTrack: Swimmers and Stroke Rate Detection in Elite Race Videos
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper6876.pdf
Jacquelin, N., Jaunet, T., Vuillemot, R., Duffner, S.
École Centrale de Lyon, France; INSA-Lyon, France.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/swimtrack/
The SwimTrack comprises 5 different multimedia tracks related to the analysis of competition-level swimming videos, and provides multimodal video, image and audio data. The five subtasks are as follows: a position detection task associating swimmers with the numbers of swimming lanes, a stroke rate detection task, a camera registration task where participants must apply homography projection methods to create a top-view of the pool, a character recognition on scoreboards task, and a sound detection task associated with buzzer sounds.
Urban Air: Urban Life and Air Pollution
Preprint available at: https://2022.multimediaeval.com/paper586.pdf
Dao, M.-S., Dang, T.-H., Nguyen-Tai, T.-L., Nguyen, T.-B., Dang-Nguyen, D.-T.
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan; Dalat University, Vietnam; LOC GOLD Technology MTV Ltd. Co, Vietnam; University of Science, Vietnam National University in HCM City, Vietnam; Bergen University, Norway.
Dataset available at: https://multimediaeval.github.io/editions/2022/tasks/urbanair/
The Urban Air task provides multimodal data that allows the analysis of air pollution and pollution patterns in urban environments. The organizers created two subtasks for this competition: a multimodal/crossmodal air quality index prediction task using station and/or CCTV data, and a periodic traffic pollution pattern discovery task.