Service and network providers actively evaluate and derive Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics within their systems, which necessitates suitable monitoring strategies. Objective QoE monitoring involves mapping Quality of Service (QoS) parameters into QoE scores, such as calculating Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) or Good-or-Better (GoB) ratios, by using appropriate mapping functions. Alternatively, individual QoE monitoring directly assesses user experience based on self-reported feedback. We discuss the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of both approaches. Based on the collected data from individual or objective QoE monitoring, providers can calculate the QoE metrics across all users in the system, who are subjected to a range of varying QoS conditions. The aggregated QoE across all users in the system for a dedicated time frame is referred to as system QoE. Based on a comprehensive simulation study, the expected system QoE, the system GoB ratio, as well as QoE fairness across all users are computed. Our numerical results explore whether objective and individual QoE monitoring lead to similar conclusions. In our previous work [Hoss2024], we provided a theoretical framework and the mathematical derivation of the corresponding relationships between QoS and system QoE for both monitoring approaches. Here, the focus is on illustrating the key differences of individual and objective QoE monitoring and the consequences in practice.
System QoE: Assessment of QoE of Users in a System
The term “System QoE” refers to the assessment of user experience from a provider’s perspective, focusing on the perceived quality of the users of a particular service. Thereby, providers may be different stakeholders along the service delivery chain, for example, network service provider and, in particular, Internet service provider, or application service provider. QoE monitoring delivers the necessary information to evaluate the system QoE, which is the basis for appropriate actions to ensure high-quality services and high QoE, e.g., through resource and network management.
Typically, QoE monitoring and management involves evaluating how well the network and services perform by analyzing objective metrics like Quality of Service (QoS) parameters (e.g., latency, jitter, packet loss) and mapping them to QoE metrics, such as Mean Opinion Scores (MOS). However, QoE monitoring involves a series of steps that providers need to follow: 1) identify relevant QoE metrics of interest, like MOS or GoB ratio; 2) deploy a monitoring framework to collect and analyze data. We will discuss this in the following.
The scope of system QoE metrics is to quantify the QoE across all users consuming the service for a dedicated time frame, e.g., one day, one week, or one month. Thereby, the expected QoE of an arbitrary user in the system, the ratio of all users experiencing Good-or-Getter (GoB) quality or Poor-or-Worse (PoW) quality, as well as the QoE fairness across all users are of interest. The users in the system may achieve different QoS on network level, e.g., different latency, jitter, throughput, since resources are shared among the users. The same is also true on application level with varying application-specific QoS parameters, for instance, video resolution, buffering time, or startup delays for video streaming. The varying QoS conditions manifest then in the system QoE. Fundamental relationships between the system QoE and QoS metrics were derived in [Hoss2020].
Expected system QoE: The expected system QoE is the average QoE rating of an arbitrary user in the system. The fundamental relationship in [Hoss2020] shows that the expected system QoE may be derived by mapping the QoS as experienced by a user to the corresponding MOS value and computing the average MOS over the varying QoS conditions. Thus, a MOS mapping function is required to map the QoS parameters to MOS values.
System GoB and System PoW: The Mean Opinion Score provides an average score but fails to account for the variability in users and the user rating diversity. Thus, users obtaining the same QoS conditions, may rate this subjectively differently. Metrics like the percentage of users rating the experience as Good or Better or as Poor or Worse provide more granular insights. Such metrics help service providers understand not just the average quality, but how quality is distributed across the user base. The fundamental relationship in [Hoss2020] shows that the system GoB and PoW may be derived by mapping the QoS as experienced by a user to the corresponding GoB or PoW value and computing the average over the varying QoS conditions, respectively. Thus, a GoB or PoW mapping function is required.
QoE Fairness: Operators must not only ensure that users are sufficiently satisfied, but also that this is done in a fair manner. However, what is considered fair in the QoS domain may not necessarily translate to fairness in the QoE domain, making the need to apply a QoE fairness index. [Hoss2018] defines the QoE fairness index as a linear transformation of the standard deviation of MOS values to the range [0;1]. The observed standard deviation is normalized with the maximal standard deviation, being theoretically possible for MOS values in a finite range, typically between 1 (poor quality) and 5 (excellent quality). The difference between 1 (indicating perfect fairness) and the normalized standard deviation of MOS values (indicating the degree of unfairness) yields the fairness index.
The fundamental relationships allow different implementations of QoE monitoring in practice, which are visualized in Figure 1 and discussed in the following. We differentiate between individual QoE monitoring and objective QoE monitoring and provide a qualitative strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats (SWOT) analysis.
Individual QoE Monitoring
Individual QoE monitoring refers to the assessment of system QoE by collecting individual ratings, e.g., on a 5-point rating scale, from users through their personal feedback. This approach captures the unique and individual nature of user experiences, accounting for factors like personal preferences and context. It allows optimizing services in a personalized manner, which is regarded as a challenging future research objective, see [Schmitt2017, Zhu2018, Gao2020, Yamazaki2021, Skorin-Kapov2018].
The term “individual QoE” was nicely described by in [Zhu2018]: “QoE, by definition, is supposed to be subjective and individual. However, we use the term ‘individual QoE’, since the majority of the literature on QoE has not treated it as such. […] The challenge is that the set of individual factors upon which an individual’s QoE depends is not fixed; rather this (sub)set varies from one context to another, and it is this what justifies even more emphatically the individuality and uniqueness of a user’s experience – hence the term ‘individual QoE’.”
Strengths: Individual QoE monitoring provides valuable insights into how users personally experience a service, capturing the variability and uniqueness of individual perceptions that objective metrics often miss. A key strength is that it gathers direct feedback from a provider’s own users, ensuring a representative sample rather than relying on external or unrepresentative populations. Additionally, it does not require a predefined QoE model, allowing for flexibility in assessing user satisfaction. This approach enables service providers to directly derive various system QoE metrics.
Weaknesses: Individual QoE monitoring is mainly feasible for application service providers and requires additional monitoring efforts beyond the typical QoS tools already in place. Privacy concerns are significant, as collecting sensitive user data can raise issues with data protection and regulatory compliance, such as with GDPR. Additionally, users may use the system primarily as a complaint tool, focusing on reporting negative experiences, which could skew results. Feedback fatigue is another challenge, where users may become less willing to provide ongoing input over time, limiting the validity and reliability of the data collected.
Opportunities: Data from individual QoE monitoring can be utilized to enhance individual user QoE through better resource and service management. From a business perspective, offering a personalized QoE can set providers apart in competitive markets and the data collected has monetization potential, supporting personalized marketing. Data from individual QoE monitoring enables deriving objective metrics like MOS or GoB, to update existing QoE models or to develop new QoE models for novel services by correlating it with QoS parameters. Those insights can drive innovation, leading to new features or services that meet evolving customer needs.
Threats: Individual QoE monitoring accounts for factors outside the provider’s control, such as environmental context (e.g., noisy surroundings [Reichl2015, Jiménez2020]), which may affect user feedback but not reflect actual service performance. Additionally, as mentioned, it may be used as a complaint tool, with users disproportionately reporting negative experiences. There is also the risk of over-engineering solutions by focusing too much on minor individual issues, potentially diverting resources from addressing more significant, system-wide challenges that could have a broader impact on overall service quality
Objective QoE Monitoring
Objective QoE monitoring involves assessing user experience by translating measurable QoS parameters on network level, such as latency, jitter, and packet loss, and on application level, such as video resolution or stalling duration for video streaming, into QoE metrics using predefined models and mapping functions. Unlike individual QoE monitoring, it does not require direct user feedback and instead relies on technically measurable parameters to estimate user satisfaction and various QoE metrics [Hoss2016]. Thereby, the fundamental relationships between system QoE and QoS [Hoss2020] are utilized. For computing the expected system QoE, a MOS mapping function is required, which maps a dedicated QoS value to a MOS value. For computing the system GoB, a GoB mapping function between QoS and GoB is required. Note that the QoS may be a vector of various QoS parameters, which are the input values for the mapping function.
Recent works [Hoss2022] indicated that industrial user experience index values, as obtained by the Threshold-Based Quality (TBQ) model for QoE monitoring, may be accurate enough to derive system QoE metrics. The TBQ model is a framework that defines application-specific thresholds for QoS parameters to assess and classify the user experience, which may be derived with simple and interpretable machine learning models like decision trees.
Strengths: Objective QoE monitoring relies solely on QoS monitoring, making it applicable for network providers, even for encrypted data streams, as long as appropriate QoE models are available, see for example [Juluri2015, Orsolic2020, Casas2022]. It can be easily integrated into existing QoS monitoring tools already deployed, reducing the need for additional resources or infrastructure. Moreover, it offers an objective assessment of user experience, ensuring that the same QoS conditions for different users are consistently mapped to the same QoE scores, as required for QoE fairness.
Weaknesses: Objective QoE monitoring requires specific QoE models and mapping functions for each desired QoE metric, which can be complex and resource-intensive to develop. Additionally, it has limited visibility into the full user experience, as it primarily relies on network-level metrics like bandwidth, latency, and jitter, which may not capture all factors influencing user satisfaction. Its effectiveness is also dependent on the accuracy of the monitored QoS metrics; inaccurate or incomplete data, such as from encrypted packets, can lead to misguided decisions and misrepresentation of the actual user experience.
Opportunities: Objective QoE monitoring enables user-centric resource and network management for application and network service providers by tracking QoS metrics, allowing for dynamic adjustments to optimize resource utilization and improve service delivery. The integration of AI and automation with QoS monitoring can increase the efficiency and accuracy of network management from a user-centric perspective. The objective QoE monitoring data can also enhance Service Level Agreements (SLAs) towards Experience Level Agreements (ELAs) as discussed in [Varela2015].
Threats: One risk of Objective QoE monitoring is the potential for incorrect traffic flow characterization, where data flows may be misattributed to the wrong applications, leading to inaccurate QoE assessments. Additionally, rapid technological changes can quickly make existing QoS monitoring tools and QoE models outdated, necessitating constant upgrades and investment to keep pace with new technologies. These challenges can undermine the accuracy and effectiveness of objective QoE monitoring, potentially leading to misinformed decisions and increased operational costs.
Numerical Results: Visualizing the Differences
In this section, we explore and visualize the obtained system QoE metrics, which are based on collected data either through i) individual QoE monitoring or ii) objective QoE monitoring. The question arises if the two monitoring approaches lead to the same results and conclusions for the provider. The obvious approach for computing the system QoE metrics is to use i) the individual ratings collected directly from the users and ii) the MOS scores obtained through mapping the objectively collected QoS parameters. While the discrepancies are derived mathematically in [Hoss2024], this article presents a visual representation of the differences between individual and objective QoE monitoring through a comprehensive simulation study. This simulation approach allows us to quantify the expected system QoE, the system GoB ratio, and the QoE fairness for a multitude of potential system configurations, which we manipulate in the simulation with varying QoS distributions. Furthermore, we demonstrate methods for utilizing data obtained through either individual QoE monitoring or objective QoE monitoring to accurately calculate the system QoE metrics as intended for a provider.
For the numerical results, the web QoE use case in [Hoss2024] is employed. We conduct a comprehensive simulation study, in which the QoS settings are varied. To be more precise, the page load times (PLTs) are varied, such that the users in the system experience a range of different loading times. For each simulation run, the average PLT and the standard deviation of the PLT across all users in the system are fixed. Then each user gets a randomly assigned PLT according to a beta distribution in the range between 0s and 8s with the specified average and standard deviation. The PLTs per user are sampled from that parameterized beta distribution.
For a concrete PLT, the corresponding user rating distribution is available and follows in our case a shifted binomial distribution, where the mean of the binomial distribution reflects the MOS value for that condition. To mention this clearly, this binomial distribution is a conditional random variable with discrete values on a 5-point scale: the user ratings are conditioned on the actual QoS value. For the individual QoE monitoring, the user ratings are sampled from that conditional random variable, while the QoS values are sampled from the beta distribution. For objective QoE monitoring, only the QoS values are used, but in addition, the MOS mapping function provided in [Hoss2024] is used. Thus, each QoS value is mapped to a continuous MOS value within the range of 1 to 5.
Figure 2 shows the expected system QoE using individual QoE monitoring as well as objective QoE monitoring depending on the average QoS as well as the standard deviation of the QoS, which is indicated by the color. Each point in the figure represents a single simulation run with a fixed average QoS and fixed standard deviation. It can be seen that both QoE monitoring approaches lead to the same results, which was also formally proven in [Hoss2024]. Note that higher QoS variances also result in higher expected system since for the same average QoS, there may be some users with larger QoS values, but also some users with lower QoS values. Due to the non-linear mapping between QoS and QoE this results in higher QoE scores.
Figure 3 shows the system GoB ratio, which can be simply computed with individual QoE monitoring. However, in the case of objective QoE monitoring, we assume that only a MOS mapping function is available. It is tempting to derive the GoB ratio by deriving the ratio of MOS values which are good or better. However, this leads to wrong results, see [Hoss2020]. Nevertheless, the GoB mapping function can be approximated from an existing MOS mapping function, see [Hoss2022, Hoss2017, Perez2023]. Then, the same conclusions are then derived through objective QoE monitoring as for individual QoE monitoring.
Figure 4 considers now QoE fairness for both monitoring approaches. It is tempting to use the user rating values from individual QoE monitoring and apply the QoE fairness index. However, in that case, the fairness index considers the variances of the system QoS and additionally the variances due to user rating diversity, as shown in [Hoss2024]. However, this is not the intended application of the QoE fairness index, which aims to evaluate the fairness objectively from a user-centric perspective, such that resource management can be adjusted and to provide users with high and fairly distributed quality. Therefore, the QoE fairness index uses MOS values, such that users with the same QoS are assigned the same MOS value. In a system with deterministic QoS conditions, i.e., the standard deviation diminishes, the QoE fairness index is 100%, see the results for the objective QoE monitoring. Nevertheless, the individual QoE monitoring also allows computing the MOS values for similar QoS values and then to apply the QoE fairness index. Then, comparable results are obtained as for objective QoE monitoring.

Individual QoE monitoring and objective QoE monitoring are fundamentally distinct approaches for assessing system QoE from a provider’s perspective. Individual QoE monitoring relies on direct user feedback to capture personalized experiences, while objective QoE monitoring uses QoS metrics and QoE models to estimate QoE metrics. Both methods have strengths and weaknesses, offering opportunities for service optimization and innovation while facing challenges such as over-engineering and the risk of models becoming outdated due to technological advancements, as summarized in our SWOT analysis. However, as the numerical results have shown, both approaches can be used with appropriate modifications and adjustments to derive various system QoE metrics like expected system QoE, system GoB and PoW ratio, as well as QoE fairness. A promising direction for future research is the development of hybrid approaches that combine both methods, allowing providers to benefit from objective monitoring while integrating the personalization of individual feedback. This could also be interesting to integrate in existing approaches like the QoS/QoE Monitoring Engine proposal [Siokis2023] or for upcoming 6G networks, which may allow the radio access network (RAN) to autonomously adjust QoS metrics in collaboration with the application to enhance the overall QoE [Bertenyi2024].
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