Open Source Column

  • Open Source @ ACM MM 2016

    The Open Source Software Competition is an important part of the ACM Multimedia program. The competition, that has reached the eleventh edition, is intended to celebrate, encourage and promote the contribution of researchers, software developers and educators to advance the field by providing the community with implementations of codecs, middleware, frameworks, toolkits, libraries, multimedia players, ...

  • A quick interview with Open Source Software Competition’s organizers

    The program of ACM Multimedia is very diverse: apart from oral and poster presentations, panels and keynotes there are challenges and competitions. One that is particularly interesting is the Open Source Software Competition, which is pretty much specific for this conference and was started in ACM Multimedia 2004. The full list of participants and winners ...

  • Image indexing and retrieval with Yael

    Image indexing and retrieval with Yael

    Introduction Yael is a library implementing computationally intensive functions used in large scale image retrieval, such as neighbor search, clustering and inverted files. The library offers interfaces for C, Python and Matlab. The motivation of Yael is twofold. We aim at providing:  core and optimized instructions and methods commonly used for large-scale multimedia retrieval systems  more sophisticated functions associated ...

  • GamingAnywhere: An Open-Source Cloud Gaming Platform

    GamingAnywhere: An Open-Source Cloud Gaming Platform

    Overview GamingAnywhere is an open-source clouding gaming platform. In addition to its openness, we design GamingAnywhere for high extensibility, portability, and reconfigurability. GamingAnywhere currently supports Windows and Linux, and can be ported to other OS’s including OS X and Android. Our performance study demonstrates that GamingAnywhere achieves high responsiveness and video quality yet imposes low network ...

  • openSMILE:) The Munich Open-Source Large-scale Multimedia Feature Extractor

    openSMILE:) The Munich Open-Source Large-scale Multimedia Feature Extractor

    A tutorial for version 2.1 Introduction The openSMILE feature extraction and audio analysis tool enables you to extract large audio (and recently also video) feature spaces incrementally and fast, and apply machine learning methods to classify and analyze your data in real-time. It combines acoustic features from Music Information Retrieval and Speech Processing, as well as basic ...

  • SSI: An Open Source Platform for Social Signal Interpretation

    SSI: An Open Source Platform for Social Signal Interpretation

    Introduction Automatic detection and interpretation of social signals carried by voice, gestures, mimics, etc. will play a key-role for next-generation interfaces as it paves the way towards more intuitive and natural human-computer interaction. In this article we introduce Social Signal Interpretation (SSI), a framework for real-time recognition of social signals. SSI supports a large range of ...

  • ImproveMyCity – An open source platform for direct citizen-government communication

    ImproveMyCity - An open source platform for direct citizen-government communication

    Motivation & Overview In modern societies there is a growing requirement for public administrations to directly communicate with their citizens, view the existing problems from their perspective and re-act to their needs. In meeting this requirement, modern technologies have become a particularly valuable instrument that, apart from being a rich source of information, is also an ...

  • ESSENTIA: an open source library for audio analysis

    ESSENTIA: an open source library for audio analysis

    Over the last decade, audio analysis has become a field of active research in academic and engineering worlds. It refers to the extraction of information and meaning from audio signals for analysis, classification, storage, retrieval, and synthesis, among other tasks. Related research topics challange understanding and modeling of sound and music, and develop methods and ...

  • VIREO-VH: Libraries and Tools for Threading and Visualizing a Large Video Collection

    VIREO-VH: Libraries and Tools for Threading and Visualizing a Large Video Collection

    Introduction “Video Hyperlinking” refers to the creation of links connecting videos that share near-duplicate segments. Like hyperlinks in HTML documents, the video links help user navigating videos of similar content, and facilitate the mining of iconic clips (or visual memes) spread among videos. Figure 1 shows some example of iconic clips, which can be leveraged for ...

  • Opencast Matterhorn – Open source lecture capture and video management

    Opencast Matterhorn - Open source lecture capture and video management

    Since its formation in 2007, Opencast has become a global community around academic video and its related domains. It is a valid source of inspiring ideas and a huge living community for educational multimedia content creation and usage. Matterhorn is a community-driven collaborative project to develop an end-to-end, open source solution that supports the scheduling, ...

  • MediaEval Multimedia Benchmark: Highlights from the Ongoing 2013 Season

    MediaEval Multimedia Benchmark: Highlights from the Ongoing 2013 Season

    MediaEval is an international multimedia benchmarking initiative that offers tasks to the multimedia community that are related to the human and social aspects of multimedia. The focus is on addressing new challenges in the area of multimedia search and indexing that allow researchers to make full use of multimedia techniques that simultaneously exploit multiple modalities. ...

  • Open Source Column: OpenIMAJ – Intelligent Multimedia Analysis in Java

    Open Source Column: OpenIMAJ - Intelligent Multimedia Analysis in Java

    Introduction Multimedia analysis is an exciting and fast-moving research area. Unfortunately, historically there has been a lack of software solutions in a common programming language for performing scalable integrated analysis of all modalities of media (images, videos, audio, text, web-pages, etc). For example, in the image analysis world, OpenCV and Matlab are commonly used by researchers, ...

  • Open Source Column: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP Toolset

    Open Source Column: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP Toolset

    Introduction Multimedia content is nowadays omnipresent thanks to technological advancements in the last decades. A major driver of today’s networks are content providers like Netflix and YouTube, which do not deploy their own streaming architecture but provide their service over-the-top (OTT). Interestingly, this streaming approach performs well and adopts the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which has ...

  • ACM MM Open Source

    The ACM Multimedia Open-Source Software Competition celebrates the invaluable contribution of researchers and software developers who advance the field by providing the community with implementations of codecs, middleware, frameworks, toolkits, libraries, applications, and other multimedia software. This year will be the sixth year in running the competition as part of the ACM Multimedia program. To ...

  • Open Source Column: GPAC

    Open Source Column: GPAC

    GPAC, Toolbox for Interactive Multimedia Packaging, Delivery and Playback Introduction GPAC was born 10 years ago from the need of a lighter and more robust implementation of the MPEG-4 Systems standard , compared to the official reference software. It has since then evolved into a much wider project, covering many tools required when exploring new research topics ...

  • Ambulant – a multimedia playback platform

    Ambulant - a multimedia playback platform

    Distributed multimedia is a field that depends on many technologies, including networking, coding and decoding, scheduling, rendering and user interaction. Often, this leads to multimedia researchers in one of those fields expending a lot of implementation effort to build a complete media environment when they actually only want to demonstrate an advance within their own ...

  • Open Source Column: Tribler: P2P Search, Share and Stream

    Open Source Column: Tribler: P2P Search, Share and Stream

    Six years ago, we created a new open source P2P file sharing program called Tribler. During this time over one million users have used it, and three generations of Ph.D. students tested their algorithms in the real world. Tribler is built around BitTorrent. Introduced in 2001, BitTorrent revolutionized the P2P world because of its unprecedented ...

  • Open Source Column: Mozilla Popcorn

    Open Source Column: Mozilla Popcorn

    Mozilla Popcorn: Web Video Interaction Using Client-Side Javascript Context and history Popcorn is an HTML5 media project from Mozilla, the non-profit organization that makes the Firefox web browser. It makes media-oriented web development easy through shared development, open source libraries and tools. Popcorn.js: a Javascript library for interactions between video and the web Popcorn.js makes web media more ...

  • QUASI database for the evaluation of music source separation

    This database is composed of 11 multitrack songs, each mixed in several ways by a professional sound engineer. Both the mixes and the original sources are provided under Creative Commons licences. These data have been used for the “Professionally produced music recordings” task of the SiSEC 2010 and 2011 evaluations.

  • ENST-Drums (Videos + Audios)

    The ENST-Drums database (only audio was previously distributed) is a varied research database for automatic drum transcription and processing: Three professional drummers specialized in different music genres were recorded. Total duration of audio material recorded per drummer is around 75 minutes. Each drummer played his own drum kit. Each sequence used either sticks, rods, brushes or mallets to increase ...

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