Utrecht Multi-Person Motion (UMPM) benchmark
At Utrecht University, we have created the Utrecht Multi-Person Motion (UMPM) benchmark to evaluate human motion capturing algorithms for multiple subjects in a similar way as HumanEva does for a single subject. It includes 10 different multi-person scenarios including interaction, each with 1-4 persons. Per scenario, we provide four synchronized color video sequences of 30-60 ...
Huawei/3DLife Dataset for ACM Multimedia 2011 Grand Challenge
Huawai/3DLife have just released an exciting data set to the community as part of our coordination the ACM MM Grand Challenge entitled “Realistic Interaction in Online Virtual Environments”. The dataset consists of groundtruths/recordings of multiple Salsa dancers from a variety of modalities, which include microphones, cameras, inertial and depth sensors.
Measurement and Analysis of Large DIstributed Virtual EnvironmentS
Previous research in NVE mainly based their design on assumptions on how avatars behave, and use randomly generated movements to evaluate their design. We believe that there is a gap between these assumptions/randomly generated movements and how real avatar behave. To bridge the gap, we collected mobility traces of 84,208 avatars spanning 22 regions over ...
Openframeworks is a C++ library designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation. The library is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries under a tidy interface: openGL for graphics, rtAudio for audio input and output, freeType for fonts,freeImage for image ...
vvvv: a multipurpose toolkit
vvvv is a toolkit for real time video synthesis. It is designed to facilitate the handling of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video that can interact with many users simultaneously. vvvv uses a visual programming interface. Therefore it provides a graphical programming language for easy prototyping and development. vvvv is real ...
Open Source code of an SVC decoder
Scalable Video Coding (SVC) is the name given to an extension of the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video compression standard. H.264/MPEG-4 AVC was developed jointly by ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1. These two groups created the Joint Video Team (JVT) to develop the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard. The objective of the SVC standardization has been to extend the ...
New release of H.264/AVC reference software JM 16.2
H.264/AVC is a standard developed jointly by the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) and the ISO/IEC Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), in the Joint Video Team (JVT). A reference software for H.264/AVC is freely available for download to demonstrate the standard and that its features can be implemented. This is its main purpose; it ...
Consumer Digital Video Library (CDVL) Announcement
CDVL is a digital video library intended for researchers and developers in the fields of video processing and visual quality (both objective and subjective assessment). Progress in these areas have been limited by the availability of high quality royalty-free test material. CDVL provides relevant video clips for different types of video processing and quality measurement ...
Video quality assessment of H.264/AVC over error prone networks
Politecnico di Milano and EPFL have recently released a publicly available database to support reproducible research in the field of video quality assessment, specifically targeting H.264/AVC video streaming over error-prone networks. Multimedia contents are often distributed over best-effort networks, i.e. there is no guarantee that the content will be delivered without errors to the final users. ...
ContextMiner is a framework to collect, analyze, and present contextual information along with the data. It is based on an idea that while describing or archiving an object, contextual information helps to make sense of that object or to preserve it better. ContextMiner helps one (1) run automated crawls on various sources, and collect data as ...
TubeKit is a toolkit for creating YouTube crawlers. It allows one to build one’s own crawler that can crawl YouTube based on a set of seed queries and collect up to 17 different attributes for a video. TubeKit assists in all the phases of this process starting database creation to finally giving access to the ...