
Multi-disciplinary, interview and viewpoint postings

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  • Interview Column – Introduction

    Interview Column - Introduction

    The interviews in the SIGMM records aim to provide the community with the insights, visions, and views from outstanding researchers in multimedia. With the interviews we particularly try to find out what makes these researchers outstanding and also to a certain extend what is going on in their mind, what are their visions and what ...

  • Introduction to the Opinion Column

    Introduction to the Opinion Column

    Welcome to the SIGMM Community Discussion Column! In this very first edition we would like to introduce the column to the community, its objectives and main operative characteristics. Given the exponential amount of multimedia data shared online and offline everyday, research in Multimedia is of unprecedented importance. We might be now facing a new era of ...


  • Opinion Column: Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (in Multimedia)

    The inclusiveness and transparency of automatic information processing methods is a research topic that exhibited growing interest in the past years. In the era of digitized decision-making software where the push for artificial intelligence happens worldwide and at different strata of the socio-economic tissue, the consequences of biased, unexplainable and opaque methods for content analysis ...

  • Opinion Column: Evolution of Topics in the Multimedia Community

    Opinion Column: Evolution of Topics in the Multimedia Community

    For this edition of the SIGMM Opinion Column, we asked members of the Multimedia community to share their impressions about the shift of scientific topics in the community over the years, namely the evolution of “traditional” and “emerging” Multimedia topics.  This subject has emerged in several conversations over the 2 years of history of the SIGMM ...

  • Opinion Column: Survey on ACM Multimedia

    Opinion Column: Survey on ACM Multimedia

    For this edition of the Opinion Column, happening in correspondence with ACM Multimedia 2018, we launched a short community survey regarding their perception of the conference. We prepared the survey together with senior members of the community, as well as the organizers of ACM Multimedia 2019. You can find the full survey here. Overall, we collected ...

  • Opinion Column: Review Process of ACM Multimedia

      This quarter, our Community column is dedicated to the review process of ACM Multimedia (MM). We report the summary of discussions arisen at various points in time, after the first round of reviews were returned to authors. The core part of the discussion focused on how to improve review quality for ACM MM. Some participants ...

  • Opinion Column: Privacy and Multimedia

      The discussion: multimedia data is affected by new forms of privacy threats, let’s learn, protect, and engage our users. For this edition of the SIGMM Opinion Column, we carefully selected the discussion’s main topic, looking for an appealing and urgent problem arising for our community. Given the recent Cambridge Analytica’s scandal, and the upcoming enforcement of ...

  • Opinion Column: Tracks, Reviews and Preliminary Works

    In a nutshell, the community agreed that: we need more transparent communication and homogeneous rules across thematic areas; we need more useful rebuttals; there is no need for conflict of interest tracks; large conferences must protect preliminary and emergent research works. Solutions were suggested to improve these points. Welcome to the first edition of the  SIGMM ...


  • An interview with Irene Viola

    An interview with Irene Viola

    Irene at the beginning of her research career. Describe your journey into research from your youth up to the present. What foundational lessons did you learn from this journey? Why were you initially attracted to multimedia? My passion for multimedia stems from graphic design, actually. As a teenager, I taught myself Photoshop and I was playing around ...

  • An interview with Benoit Huet

    An interview with Benoit Huet

    Benoit at the beginning of his research career. Describe your journey into research from your youth up to the present. What foundational lessons did you learn from this journey? Why were you initially attracted to multimedia? This is an excellent question. Indeed, life is a journey, and every step is a lesson. I was originally attracted by ...

  • An interview with Associate Professor Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen

    An interview with Associate Professor Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen

    Tien at the beginning of his research career. Describe your journey into research from your youth up to the present. What foundational lessons did you learn from this journey? Why were you initially attracted to multimedia? Looking back at the early days of my life, my love for science started quite young. I loved solving puzzles and ...

  • An interview with Associate Professor Hugo L. Hammer

    An interview with Associate Professor Hugo L. Hammer

    Hugo as a Ph.D. student, at the beginning of his research career. Describe your journey into research from your youth up to the present. What foundational lessons did you learn from this journey? Why were you initially attracted to multimedia? From an early age, I had the ability to focus and work individually and loved to develop ...

  • An interview with Professor Roger Zimmermann

    An interview with Professor Roger Zimmermann

    Please describe your journey into research from your youth up to the present. What foundational lessons did you learn from this journey? Why were you initially attracted to multimedia? I have had an interest in technology early on, though my path to becoming an academic has not been very direct. In high school, I really enjoyed ...

  • An Interview with Professor Susanne Boll

    An Interview with Professor Susanne Boll

    Describe your journey into research from your youth up to the present. What foundational lessons did you learn from this journey?  My journey into research started with my interest in computers and computer science at school while I was still in my early years at that time. I liked all the STEM subjects and was very ...

  • An interview with Professor Pål Halvorsen

    An interview with Professor Pål Halvorsen

    Describe your journey into research from your youth up to the present. What foundational lessons did you learn from this journey? Why were you initially attracted to multimedia? I remember when I was about 14 years old and had an 8th grade project where we were to identify what we wanted to do in the future ...

  • An interview with Géraldine Morin

    An interview with Géraldine Morin

    Please describe your journey into research from your youth up to the present. What foundational lessons did you learn from this journey? Why were you initially attracted to multimedia? My journey into research was not such a linear path (or ’straight path’ as some French institutions put it —a criteria for them to hire)… I started ...

  • An interview with Assoc. Prof. Ragnhild Eg

    An interview with Assoc. Prof. Ragnhild Eg

    Please describe your journey into research from your youth up to the present. What foundational lessons did you learn from this journey? Why were you initially attracted to multimedia? In high school, I really had no idea what I wanted to study in university. I liked writing, so I first tried out journalism. I soon discovered ...

  • Interview with Dr. Magda Ek Zarki and Dr. De-Yu Chen: winners of the Best MMsys’18 Workshop paper award

    Interview with Dr. Magda Ek Zarki and Dr. De-Yu Chen: winners of the Best MMsys’18 Workshop paper award

    The ACM Multimedia Systems conference (MMSys’18) was recently held in Amsterdam from 9-15 June 2018. The conferences brings together researchers in multimedia systems. Four workshops were co-located with MMSys, namely PV’18, NOSSDAV’18, MMVE’18, and NetGames’18. In this post we interview Magda El Zarki and De-Yu Chen, the authors of the best workshop paper entitled ...

Multidisciplinary articles

  • Goodbye Multidisciplinary Column!

    Goodbye Multidisciplinary Column!

    In June 2017, we were invited to serve as editors of the newly established column on multidisciplinary aspects of Multimedia. Our major goal back then was to portray a look beyond ‘the big pond’ — multimedia research that is. We set out to establish a multidisciplinary dialogue within the multimedia community and raise awareness for, as ...

  • Multidisciplinary Column: Lessons Learned from a Multidisciplinary Hands-on Course on Interfaces for Inclusive Music Making

    Multidisciplinary Column: Lessons Learned from a Multidisciplinary Hands-on Course on Interfaces for Inclusive Music Making

    This short article reports on lessons learned from a multidisciplinary hands-on course that I co-taught in the academic winter term 2021/2022. Over the course of the term, I co-advised a group of 4 students who explored designing interfaces for Musiklusion , a project focused on inclusive music making using digital tools. Inclusive participation in music ...

  • Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Odette Scharenborg

    Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Odette Scharenborg

    The first issue in 2021 features an interview with Alex Thayer, PhD and portrays his view upon interdisciplinarity in both academia and research with implications for our multimedia community.

  • Multidisciplinary column: the importance of talking to a 12-year old

    Multidisciplinary column: the importance of talking to a 12-year old

    In 2018, while on a research visit to Bordeaux, I felt it would be good to connect more closely to the local community. As a consequence, colleagues convinced me to join the Femmes & Sciences movement, in which women researchers in STEM proactively did local outreach. My French was conversational, though not stellar. But I thought ...

  • Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Alex Thayer

    Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Alex Thayer

    The first issue in 2021 features an interview with Alex Thayer, PhD and portrays his view upon interdisciplinarity in both academia and research with implications for our multimedia community.

  • Multidisciplinary Column: Conferences as Career and Community Catalysts

    A little over 10 years ago, I chose to pursue a PhD. This meant I chose a professional life in which research publications and their uptake would be seen as major evidence of achievement. For those working in computer science, the major dissemination platforms for such publications are conferences. Given my dual background in music and ...

  • Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Max Mühlhäuser

    Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Max Mühlhäuser

      Could you tell us a bit about your background, and what the road to your current position was? Well, this road is marked by wonderful people who inspired me and sparked my interest in the research fields I pursued. In addition, it is marked by two of my major deficiencies: I cannot stop to investigate the ...

  • Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Andrew Quitmeyer

    Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Andrew Quitmeyer

      Could you tell us a bit about your background, and what the road to your current position was? In general, a lot of my background has been motivated by personal independence and trying to find ways to sustain myself. I was a first-generation grad student (which may explain a lot of my skepticism and confusion about ...

  • Multidisciplinary Community Spotlight: Assistive Augmentation

    Multidisciplinary Community Spotlight: Assistive Augmentation

      Emphasizing the importance of neighboring communities for our work in the field of multimedia was one of the primary objectives we set out with when we started this column about a year ago. In past issues, we gave related communities a voice through interviews and personal accounts. For instance, in the third issue of 2017, ...

  • Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Emilia Gómez

    Multidisciplinary Column: An Interview with Emilia Gómez

    Could you tell us a bit about your background, and what the road to your current position was? I have a technical background in engineering (telecommunication engineer specialized in signal processing, PhD in Computer Science), but I also followed formal musical studies at the conservatory since I was a child. So I think I have an ...

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