Call for Nominations: IEEE MultiMedia 2015 Best Paper Awards

Yong Rui
Editor in Chief, IEEE MultiMedia

IEEE MultiMedia 2015 Best Paper Awards

IEEE MultiMedia is establishing the Best Paper Awards, starting in 2015.  There are two types of awards:

  1. Best Paper Awards: for regular papers and special issue papers.
  2. Best Department Article Awards: for department articles.

Eligible Papers: Any paper published in IEEE MultiMedia in 2012, 2013, or 2014 is eligible.

Important Dates:

  • March 31st 2015:                               Nomination Deadline
  • First half of May 2015:                    Announcement

Nominations should include:

  1. Nominator and his/her contact information
  2. Bibliographic information for the paper
  3. 500-word statement of support explaining the rationale for the nomination, focusing the originality and the impact.

Nominations should be sent to the IEEE MultiMedia Editor-in-Chief Dr. Yong Rui ( and cc the IEEE MultiMedia Lead Editor Bonnie Wylie (

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