Reported by: Shervin Shirmohammadi
Editor-in-Chief: Abdulmotaleb El Saddik
Published: 2010
Special Issue on the NetGames Workshop 2009
Guest editors: Maha Abdallah, Mark Claypool and Tristan Henderson
The Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames) workshop is a major forum that brings together researchers and developers from both academia and industry to discuss and understand the network and systems issues in networked games. Networked games have become an active and mainstream area of research, with games papers appearing at venues such as ACM SIGCOMM and ACM Multimedia, but NetGames has continued to flourish as a venue for presenting early and exciting work. The eighth iteration of the NetGames workshop was held in Paris, France in November 2009. This special issue presents extended versions of six selected papers from this event.
- Hanghang Qi, David Malone, Dmitri Botvich: Optimisation of capacity in various 802.11 gaming scenarios
- Chien-Hao Chien, Shun-Yun Hu, Jehn-Ruey Jiang, Chuan-Wei Cheng: Bandwidth-aware Peer-to-Peer 3D streaming
- Paul B. Beskow, Andreas Petlund, Geir A. Erikstad, Carsten Griwodz, Pal Halvorsen: Reducing game latency by migration, core-selection and TCP modifications
- Alexandru Iosup, Vlad Nae, Radu Prodan: The impact of virtualisation on the performance and operational costs of Massively Multiplayer Online Games
- John L. Miller, Jon Crowcroft: Group movement in World of Warcraft Battlegrounds
- Mirko Suznjevic, Maja Matijasevic: Why MMORPG players do what they do: relating motivations to action categories