URL: http://link.springer.com/journal/13735/5/4/page/1
Published: November 2016
- Erwin M. Bakker: Major events in multimedia information retrieval
- Maaike H. T. de Boer, Klamer Schutte…: Blind late fusion in multimedia event retrieval
- M. Radhika Mani, D. M. Potukuchi…: A novel approach for shape-based object recognition with curvelet transform
- Zineb Elgarrai, Othmane El Meslouhi…: Robust facial expression recognition system based on hidden Markov models
- Ahmad Alzu’bi, Abbes Amira, Naeem Ramzan…: Improving content-based image retrieval with compact global and local multi-features
- D. Sejal, D. Abhishek, K. R. Venugopal…: IR_URFS_VF: image recommendation with user relevance feedback session and visual features in vertical image search