Editor-in-Chief: Borko Furht
- Xiang Ma, Xiaojiang Lei, Guoshuai Zhao, Xueming Qian: Rating prediction by exploring user’s preference and sentiment
- Rui Deng, Guizhong Liu: QoE driven cross-layer scheme for DASH-based scalable video transmission over LTE
- Luis Rodriguez-Gil, Pablo Orduña, Javier García-Zubia…: Interactive live-streaming technologies and approaches for web-based applications
- Lai-Man Po, Litong Feng, Yuming Li, Xuyuan Xu…: Block-based adaptive ROI for remote photoplethysmography
- Yu-Ching Chang, Chi-Min Hsieh: Filmic framing in video games: a comparative analysis of screen space design
- Asuman Günay, Vasif Nabiyev: A new facial age estimation method using centrally overlapped block based local texture features
- Mostafa El Mallahi, Amal Zouhri, Abderrahim Mesbah…: Radial invariant of 2D and 3D Racah moments
- Mostafa El Mallahi, Amal Zouhri, Abderrahim Mesbah…: Erratum to: Radial invariant of 2D and 3D Racah moments
- Xin Yang, Jiabin Guo, Tangli Xue…: Robust and real-time pose tracking for augmented reality on mobile devices
- Chunna Tian, Xiangnan Zhang, Wei Wei, Xinbo Gao: Color pornographic image detection based on color-saliency preserved mixture deformable part model
- Yong Zhang, Yingjun Tang: A plaintext-related image encryption algorithm based on chaos
- Ou Wu, Mengqiao Han: Screenshot-based color compatibility assessment and transfer for Web pages
- Ying Chen, Gaigai Zong, Guangcheng Cao, Jiawei Dong: Efficient manifold-preserving edit propagation using quad-tree data structures
- Lahouari Ghouti: A new perceptual video fingerprinting system
- Iynkaran Natgunanathan, Abid Mehmood, Yong Xiang…: An overview of protection of privacy in multibiometrics
- Nacer Farajzadeh, Aziz Karamiani, Mahdi Hashemzadeh: A fast and accurate moving object tracker in active camera model
- Ritesh Bansal, Chander Kumar Nagpal, Shailender Gupta: An efficient hybrid security mechanism based on chaos and improved BPCS
- Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh, Meisam K. Arjmandi: Optimum solution and evaluation of rectangular jigsaw puzzles based on branch and bound method and combinatorial accuracy
- Ran Hu, Xiaolong Li, Zongming Guo: Decorrelated local binary patterns for efficient texture classification
- Lin Teng, Xingyuan Wang, Juan Meng: A chaotic color image encryption using integrated bit-level permutation
- S. Hanis, R. Amutha: Double image compression and encryption scheme using logistic mapped convolution and cellular automata
- Wei Huang, Chuyu Wan, Jing Zeng, Huijun Ding…: Pixel-wise partial volume effects correction on arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance images
- Zaifeng Shi, Zehao Xu, Ke Pang, Qingjie Cao, Tao Luo: Dissimilar pixel counting based impulse detector for two-phase mixed noise removal
- Qinkun Xiao, Ren Song: Action recognition based on hierarchical dynamic Bayesian network
- Simona Ramanauskaitė, Antanas Čenys, Eglė Radvilė…: Gaze point estimation on curved display by using session level calibration for flat screen displays
- Mahsa Mirloo, Hossein Ebrahimnezhad: Non-rigid 3D object retrieval using directional graph representation of wave kernel signature
- Hamid Reza Shahdoosti, Seyede Mahya Hazavei: Combined ripplet and total variation image denoising methods using twin support vector machines
- Xiaodong Huang: Automatic video superimposed text detection based on Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform
- Hao Zhang, Tao Huang, Zhihan Lv, SanYa Liu, Zhili Zhou: MCRS: A course recommendation system for MOOCs
- S. Subburam, S. Selvakumar, S. Geetha: High performance reversible data hiding scheme through multilevel histogram modification in lifting integer wavelet transform
- Geetha M, M. R. Kaimal: A 3D stroke based representation of sign language signs using key maximum curvature points and 3D chain codes
- Qiang Ma, Lei Xu, Ling Xing, Bin Wu: Robust image authentication via locality sensitive hashing with core alignment
- Ta-En Chen, Tsung-Shian Huang, Wen-Chieh Lin…: Simulating painted appearance of BTF materials
- Guiying Zhang, Wenbin Zou, Xianjie Zhang, Yong Zhao: Singular value decomposition based virtual representation for face recognition
- Lei Chen, Jiying Zhao: Contourlet-based image and video watermarking robust to geometric attacks and compressions
- Liming Xu, Jidong Lv: Recognition method for apple fruit based on SUSAN and PCNN
- Veera Senthil Kumar Ganesan, Vasuki S: Maximin distance based band selection for endmember extraction in hyperspectral images using simplex growing algorithm
- Yuwei Peng, Hai Lan, Mingliang Yue, Yu Xue: Multipurpose watermarking for vector map protection and authentication
- Li Wang, Jun Jie Shi, Chen Chen, Sheng Zhong: Privacy-preserving face detection based on linear and nonlinear kernels
- Yongquan Yang, Ning Chen, Shenlu Jiang: Collaborative strategy for visual object tracking
- M. Ghebleh, A. Kanso, D. Stevanović: A novel image encryption algorithm based on piecewise linear chaotic maps and least squares approximation
- Yaser Mohammad Taheri, M. Omair Ahmad, M. N. S. Swamy: A joint correlation noise estimation and decoding algorithm for distributed video coding
- Mohammad Hossein Khosravi, Hamid Hassanpour…: A content recognizability measure for image quality assessment considering the high frequency attenuating distortions
- Krishan Kumar, Deepti D. Shrimankar, Navjot Singh: Eratosthenes sieve based key-frame extraction technique for event summarization in videos
- Yuqing Liu, Tianqiang Huang, Yanfang Liu: A novel video forgery detection algorithm for blue screen compositing based on 3-stage foreground analysis and tracking
- Javid Ullah, Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Arfan Jaffar: Motion cues and saliency based unconstrained video segmentation
- Shaveta Chutani, Anjali Goyal: Improved universal quantitative steganalysis in spatial domain using ELM ensemble
- Xiaoming Zhang, Xu Zhang, Xiong Li, Zhoujun Li…: Classify social image by integrating multi-modal content
- Pedro Quelhas Brito, Jasmina Stoyanova, António Coelho: Augmented reality versus conventional interface: Is there any difference in effectiveness?
- A . Laraqui, A. Saaidi, K. Satori: MSIP: Multi-scale image pre-processing method applied in image mosaic
- Ming Tong, Weijuan Tian, Houyi Wang, Fan Wang: A compact discriminant hierarchical clustering approach for action recognition
- Weicheng Xie, Linlin Shen, Meng Yang, Jianmin Jiang: Facial expression synthesis with direction field preservation based mesh deformation and lighting fitting based wrinkle mapping
- J. Florence Gnana Poovathy, S. Radha: Noise performance of non-iterative compressed sensing based recovery algorithm: surveillance applications
- Jalil Ghavidel Neycharan, Alireza Ahmadyfard: Edge color transform: a new operator for natural scene text localization
- Soubhagya Sankar Barpanda, Pankaj K. Sa, Oge Marques…: Iris recognition with tunable filter bank based feature
- Guohua Lv, Shyh Wei Teng, Guojun Lu: A detector of structural similarity for multi-modal microscopic image registration
- Xiaoli He, Hong Jiang, Yu Song: Spectrum access strategy for cognitive wireless networks sensing part of channels
- Yoonhyung Kim, Seungjun Jung, Chanho Jung…: A structure-aware axis-aligned grid deformation approach for robust image retargeting
- Hamdi Bouslehi, Hassene Seddik: A new rapid hyperchaotic system for more efficient 2D data encryption
- Amr Magdy Rabee, Marghny Hassan Mohamed…: Blind JPEG steganalysis based on DCT coefficients differences
- Minghua Zhao, Yongqin Yuan, Xin Zhang, Zhenghao Shi…: A novel key frames matching approach for human locomotion interpolation