Contribute PhD thesis summary

To achieve its goal of strengthening the dissemination of research and in order to get to know the members of the community, the SIGMM Records feature abstracts of recently concluded PhD theses in the field of multimedia. These summaries will become available from the ACM Digital Library, which provides a very convenient way to other researchers for searching, finding and citing these theses.

If you have successfully defended your PhD thesis in a field that is relevant to the SIGMM community in the past year, or if you have supervised a student who has recently achieved this, you are invited to submit an abstract that briefly describes the work.

Thesis author's name:

Thesis title:

Author photo:

Summary of the thesis

If you'd like to include figures, photos, audio clips or videos in your summary, you should indicate their approximate placement in the text along with appropriate captions. You can provide URLs in the text or send an email to


Names of the thesis supervisor(s), advisor(s), opponent(s), rapporteur(s).
Please state individual roles, which vary widely around the world:

ISBN number of the thesis:

URL for the thesis:


You are also invited to include a description of the research group that hosted the PhD candidate during her or his work on the thesis, preferably with an angle related to the candidate's work.

Name of the group:

URL for the group:

A description of the group.
It is included in the eNewsletter web page and PDF version.


Your name (mandatory)

Your email (mandatory):

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