Rodrigo Laiola Guimarães

Socially-Aware Multimedia Authoring

Supervisor(s) and Committee member(s): Dick C. A. Bulterman (advisor), Pablo Cesar (advisor), Anton Eliens (opponent), Frank van Harmelen (opponent), Janet Murray (opponent), Maria da Graça Pimentel (opponent), Susanne Boll (opponent).


ISBN: 978-94-6259-028-1

Creating compelling multimedia productions is a non-trivial problem. This is true for both professional and personal content. For professional content, extensive production support is typically available during creation. Content assets are well structured, content fragments are professionally produced with high quality, and production assets are often highly annotated (within the scope of the production model). For personal content, nearly none of these conditions exist: content is a collection of assets that are structured only by linear recording time, of mediocre technical quality (on an absolute scale), and with only basic automatic annotations. These conditions limit the options open to casual authors and to viewers of rich multimedia content in creating and receiving focused, highly personal media presentations. The problem is compounded when authors want to integrate community media assets: media fragments donated from a potentially wide and anonymous recording community. In this thesis we reflect on the traditional multimedia authoring workflow and we argue that a fresh new look is required. Our experimental methodology aims at meeting the requirements needed for social communities that are not addressed by traditional authoring and sharing applications. We focus on the particular task of supporting socially-aware multimedia authoring, in which the relationships within particular social groups can be exploited to create highly personal media experiences. Our framework is centered on empowering users in telling stories and commenting on personal media artifacts, considering the long-term social context of the user. The work has been evaluated through a number of prototype tools that allow users to explore, create, enrich and share rich multimedia artifacts. Results from our evaluation process provide useful insights into how a socially-aware multimedia authoring and sharing system should be designed and architected, for helping users in recalling personal memories and in nurturing their close circle relationships.

The work reported in this thesis has been carried out at the VU University Amsterdam and at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), under the auspices of the group Distributed and Interactive Systems (DIS). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. ICT-2007-214793.


PhD Thesis cover

TA2: MyVideos concept video

TA2: MyVideos manual test edit

Distributed and Interactive Systems (DIS)


The group focuses on modeling and controlling complex, collections of media objects (including real-time media and sensor data) that are interactive and distributed in time and space. The group’s fundamental interest is in understanding how the various notions of ‘time’ influence the creation, distribution and delivery of complex content in a customizable manner.

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