URL: http://slam2013.lif.univ-mrs.fr
SLAM 2013 was held from August 22, 2013 to August 23, 2013 in Marseille, France.
Chairs: Guillaume Gravier, CNRS, IRISA & INRIA Rennes and
Frédéric Béchet, Aix Marseille University, LIF
Reported by Guillaume Gravier
Intl. Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia
The International Workshop on Speech, Language and Audio in Multimedia (SLAM) is a yearly series of workshop to bring together researchers working in the broad field of speech, language and audio processing applied to the analysis, indexing and use of any type of multimedia data (e.g., broadcast, social media, audiovisual archives, online courses, music), with the goal of sharing recent research results, discussing ongoing and future projects as well as benchmarking initiatives and applications.
The very first edition of SLAM was held in Marseille, Aug. 22—23, 2013, as a satellite event of Interspeech 2013. Jointly patronized by the ISCA SIG on Speech and Language in Multimedia and the IEEE SIG on Audio and Speech Processing for Multimedia , the workshop was locally organized by the Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamental (LIF) of Aix-Marseille University in a gorgeous location, the Parc du Pharo. SLAM received financial support from local institutions, from national and international associations and from national project in the field of multimedia. Financial support, combined with low-cost organization within a university setting, made it possible to maintain very low registration fees, in particular targeting students.
SLAM 2013 gathered 56 participants from around the world over a day and a half (see IMAGE(slam-photo-2.jpg)) CAPTION(Group picture of the SLAM 2013 attendees). The workshop was held in a very friendly atmosphere, with plenty of time for discussions on the side and a warm-hearted social event, yet featuring high-profile scientific communications in a number of topics and a keynote speech by Sam Davies on the BBC World Archives. Contributions were organized in five sessions, namely
- audio & video event detection and segmentation
- ASR in multimedia documents
- multimedia person recognition
- speaker & speaker roles recognition
- multimedia applications and corpus
covering most of the topics targeted by the workshop. Major results from a vast number of projects were presented, generating fundamental discussions on the future of speech, language and audio in the multimedia sphere. We however hope to have in the future more contributions regarding non-speech audio processing. Proceedings are available online in open-access mode at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1012.
The SLAM workshop intends to establish itself as a yearly event, at the frontier between the audio processing, speech communication and multimedia communities. The second edition will be held in Penang, Malaysia, Sep. 11—12, 2014, as a satellite event of Interspeech 2014. See http://language.cs.usm.my/SLAM2014/index.html. We hope to have SLAM organized as a satellite multimedia conferences in the near future and welcome bids for 2015.