ACM TVX — Call for Volunteer Associate Chairs

CALL FOR VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATE CHAIRS – Applications for Technical Program Committee

ACM TVX 2017 International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video June 14-16, 2017, Hilversum, The Netherlands

We are welcoming applications to become part of the TVX 2017 Technical Program Committee (TPC), as Associate Chair (AC). This involves playing a key role in the submission and review process, including attendance at the TPC meeting (please note that this is not a call for reviewers, but a call for Associate Chairs). We are opening applications to all members of the community, from both industry and academia, who feel they can contribute to this team.

  • This call is open to new Associate Chairs and to those who have been Associate Chairs in previous years and want to be an Associate Chair again for TVX 2017
  • Application form:
  • The application deadline is December 12, 2016

Following the success of previous years’ invitations for open applications to join our Technical Program Committee, we again invite applications for Associate Chairs. Successful applicants would be responsible for arranging and coordinating reviews for around 3 or 4 submissions in the main Full and Short Papers track of ACM TVX2017, and attend the Technical Program Committee meeting in Delft, The Netherlands, in mid-March 2017 (participation in person is strongly recommended). Our aim is to broaden participation, ensuring a diverse Technical Program Committee, and to help widen the ACM TVX community to include a full range of perspectives.

We welcome applications from academics, industrial practitioners and (where appropriate) senior PhD students, who have expertise in Human Computer Interaction or related fields, and who have an interest in topics related to interactive experiences for television or online video. We would expect all applicants to have ‘top-tier’ publications related to this area. Applicants should have an expertise or interest in at least one or more topics in our call for papers:

After the application deadline, the volunteers will be considered and selected for ACs, and the TPC Chairs will be free to also invite previous ACs or other researchers of the community to integrate the team. The ultimate goal is to reach a balanced, diverse and inclusive TPC team in terms of fields of expertise, experience and perspectives, both from academia and industry.

To submit, just fill in the application form above!


For up to date information and further details please visit: or get in touch with the Inclusion Chairs:

Teresa Chambel, University of Lisbon, PT; Rob Koenen, TNO, NL

In collaboration with the Program Chairs: Wendy van den Broeck, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE; Mike Darnell, Samsung, USA; Roger Zimmermann, NUS, Singapore

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