Opinion Column: Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (in Multimedia)

The inclusiveness and transparency of automatic information processing methods is a research topic that exhibited growing interest in the past years. In the era of digitized decision-making software where the push for artificial intelligence happens worldwide and at different strata of the socio-economic tissue, the consequences of biased, unexplainable and opaque methods for content analysis can be dramatic.

Several initiatives have raisen to address these issues in different communities. From 2014 to 2018, the FAT/ML workshop was co-located with the International Conference on Machine Learning. This year, the FATE/CV workshop (E standing for Ethics) was co-located with the International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Similarly, the FAT/MM workshop is co-located with ACM Multimedia 2019. This initiatives, and specifically the FAT/ML series of workshop, converge to the birth of the ACM FAT* conference, having its first edition in New York in 2018, this years in Atlanta, and the third edition, next year in Barcelona.

ACM FAT* is a very recent interdisciplinary conference dedicated to bringing together a multidisciplinary community of researchers from computer science, law, social sciences, and humanities to investigate and tackle issues in this emerging area. The focus of the conference is not limited to technological solutions regarding potential bias, but also to address the question of whether decisions should be outsourced to data- and code-driven computing systems. This question is very timely given the impressive number of algorithmic systems (adopted in a growing number of contexts) fueled by big data. These systems aim to filter, sort, score, recommend, personalize, and shape human experience. They increasingly make/inform decisions with major impact on credit, insurance, healthcare, and immigration, to cite a few key fields with inherent critical risks.

In this context, we believe that the multimedia community should put together the necessary efforts in the same direction, investigating how to transform the current technical tools and methodologies to derive computational models that are transparent and inclusive. Information processing is one of the fundamental pillars of multimedia, it does not matter whether data is processed for content delivery, experience or systems applications, the automatic analysis of content is used in every corner of our community. Typical risks of large-scale computational models include model bias and algorithmic discrimination. These risks become particularly prominent in the multimedia field, which historically has been focusing on user-centered technologies. This is why it is crucial to start bringing the notion of fairness, accountability and transparency into ACM Multimedia.

ACM Multimedia 2019 in Nice will benefit from mainly two initiatives to start melting with the trend of Fairness, Accountability and Transparency. First, one of the workshops co-located with ACM Multimedia 2019 (as mentioned above) will deal with Fairness, Accountability and Transparency in Multimedia (FAT/MM, held on October 27th). The FAT/MM workshop is the first attempt to foster research efforts that focus on addressing fairness, accountability and transparency issues in the Multimedia field. To ensure a healthy and constructive development of the best multimedia technologies, this workshop offers a space to discuss how to develop fair, unbiased, representative, and transparent multimedia models, bringing together researchers from different areas to present computational solutions to these issues.

Second, one of the two selected Conference Ambassadors of SIGMM for 2019 attended the FATE/CV workshop at CVPR earlier this year, identified a speaker that could be of great interest for the Multimedia field, and invited them to FAT/MM to meet and discuss with the Multimedia community. The paper selected covers topics such as age bias in datasets and the impact this could have in real-world applications, such as autonomous driving or recommendation systems.

We hope that, by organising and getting strongly involved in these two initiatives, we can raise awareness within our community, and finally come to create a group of researchers interested in analysing and solving potential issues associated to fairness, accountability and transparency in multimedia.

Opinion Column: Evolution of Topics in the Multimedia Community

For this edition of the SIGMM Opinion Column, we asked members of the Multimedia community to share their impressions about the shift of scientific topics in the community over the years, namely the evolution of “traditional” and “emerging” Multimedia topics. 

This subject has emerged in several conversations over the 2 years of history of the SIGMM Opinion Column, and we report here a summary of recent and old discussions, happened over different channels – our Facebook group, the SIGMM Linkedin group, and in-person conversations between the column editors and MM researchers – with hopes, fears and opinions around this problem. We want to thank all participants for their precious contribution to these discussions.

Historical Perspective of Topics in ACM MM

opinion11_2_1This year, ACM Multimedia turns 27. Today, MM is a large premium conference with hundreds of paper submissions every year, spanning 12 different thematic areas spanning across the wide spectrum of multimedia topics. But back at the beginning of MM’s history, the scale of the topic range was very different.

In the first editions of the conference, a general call for papers encouraged submissions about “technology, tools and techniques for the construction and delivery of high quality, innovative multimedia systems and interfaces”. Already in its 3rd edition, MM featured an Arts and Multimedia program. Starting from 2004, the conference offered three tracks for paper submissions: content (Multimedia analysis, processing, and retrieval), Systems (Multimedia networking and system support), and Applications (Multimedia tools, end-systems, and applications), plus a “Brave New Topics” track for work-in-progress submissions. Later on, the Human-Centered Multimedia track was included in the projects. In 2011, after a conference review, the ACM MM program went beyond the notion of “tracks”, and the concept of areas was introduced to allow the community to “solicit papers from a wide range of timely multimedia-related topics” (see the ACMM11 website). In 2014, the areas became 14, including, among others, Music, Speech and Audio Processing in Multimedia, and Social Media and Collective Online Presence. After a retreat in 2014, starting from 2015, areas are grouped in larger “Themes”, the core thematic areas of ACM Multimedia. After the last retreat in 2014, no major changes were introduced in the thematic structure of the conference.

Dynamics of Evolution Emerging Topics

Emerging topics and less mature works are generally welcome at conferences’ workshops. In our discussions, most members of the community agree that “you’ll see great work there, and very fruitful discussions due to the common focus on the workshop theme”. When emerging topics become more popular, they can be promoted to conference areas, as it happened for the “music, speech and audio” theme. 

It was observed in our community conversations that, while this upgrade to the main conference is great for visibility, being a separate, relatively novel area could lead to isolation: the workload for reviewers specialized on emerging topics could become too high, given that they are assigned to works in other areas; and the flat acceptance rate across all conference themes could mean that even accepting 2 submissions from an emerging topic area would give ‘unreasonably’ high acceptance rate, thus leading to many good papers (even with 3 accepts) having to be rejected. Participants to our forums noticed that these dynamics are somehow “counteracted the ‘Multimedia’ and multidisciplinary nature of the field”, they prevent conferences from growing and eventually hurt emerging topics. One solution proposed to balance this effect is to “maintain a solid specialized reviewer pool (where needed managed by someone from the field), which however would be distributed over relevant MM areas”, rather than forming a new area.

It was also noted that some emerging topics in their early stage would most likely not have an appropriate workshop. Therefore, it is important for the main conference to have places to accept such early works, thus making tracks such as the short paper tracks or the brave new idea track absolutely crucial for the development of  novel topics.

The Near-Future of Multimedia

In multiple occasions, MM community members shared their thoughts about how they would like to see the Multimedia community evolve around new topics.

There are a few topics that emerged in the past and that the community wishes they continued growing, and these include interactive Multimedia applications, as well as music-related Multimedia technology, Multimedia in cooking spaces, and arts and Multimedia. It was also pointed out that, although very important for Multimedia applications, topics around compression technology are also often given low weight in Multimedia spaces, and that MM should encourage submissions in the domain of machine learning concepts applied to compression.

There are also a few areas that are emerging across different sub-communities in computer science, and that, according to our community members, we should be encouraging to grow within the Multimedia field as well. These include works in digital health exploring the power of Multimedia for health care and monitoring, research around applications of Multimedia for good, understanding how the technologies we develop can help having a real impact on society, and discussions around the ethics and responsibility of Multimedia technologies, encouraging fair, transparent, inclusive and accountable Multimedia tools.

The Future of Multimedia

The future of MM according to the participants of the discussion goes beyond the forms we know today, as new technologies could significantly broaden and shake the current applicative paradigm of Multimedia. 

The upcoming 5G technology will enable a plethora of applications that are now extremely limited by the lack of bandwidth. This could go from mobile virtual reality, to interconnection with objects and, of course, smart cities. To extract meaningful information to be presented to the user, various and highly diverse data streams will need to be treated consistently. And Multimedia researchers will develop methods, applications, systems and models to understand how to properly develop and impact this field. Likewise, this technology will push the limits of what is currently possible in terms of content demand and interaction with connected objects. We will see technologies for hyper-personalization, dynamic user interaction and real-time video personalization. These technologies will be enabled by the study of how film grammar and storytelling works for novel content types like AR, VR, panoramic and 360° video, by research around novel immersive media experiences, and by the design of new media formats, with novel consumption paradigms.

Multimedia has a bright future, with new, exciting emerging topics to be discussed and encouraged. Perhaps time for a new retreat or for a conference review?

Opinion Column: Survey on ACM Multimedia

For this edition of the Opinion Column, happening in correspondence with ACM Multimedia 2018, we launched a short community survey regarding their perception of the conference. We prepared the survey together with senior members of the community, as well as the organizers of ACM Multimedia 2019. You can find the full survey here.


Overall, we collected 52 responses. The participant sample was slightly skewed towards more senior members of the community: around 70% described themselves are full, associate or assistant professors. Almost 20% were research scientists from industry. Half of the participants were long-term contributors of the conference, having attended more than 6 editions of ACM MM, however only around a quarter of the participants had attended the last edition of MM in Seoul, Korea.

First, we asked participants to describe what ACM Multimedia means for them, using 3 words. We aggregated the responses in the word cloud below. Bigger words correspond to words with higher frequency. Most participants associated MM with prestigious and high quality content, and with high diversity of topics and modalities. While recognizing its prestige, some respondents showed their interest in a modernization of the MM focus.


Next, we asked respondents “What brings you to ACM Multimedia?”, and provided a set of pre-defined options including “presenting my research”, “networking”, “community building”,  “ACM MM is at the core of my scientific interests” and “other” (free text). 1 on 5 participants selected all options as relevant to their motivation behind attending Multimedia. The large majority of participants (65%) declare to attend ACM Multimedia to present research and do networking. By inspecting the free-text answers in the “other” option, we found that some people were interested in specific tracks, and that others see MM as a good opportunity to showcase research to their graduate students.

The next question was about paper submission. We wanted to characterize what pushes researchers to submit to ACM multimedia. We prepared 3 different statements capturing different dimensions of analysis, and asked participants to rate them on a 5-point scale, from “Strongly disagree” (1), to “Strongly agree” (5).

The distribution of agreement for each question is shown in the plot below. Participants tend to neither disagree nor agree about Multimedia as the only possible venue for their papers (average agreement score 2.9); they generally disagreed with the statement “I consider ACM Multimedia mostly to resubmit papers rejected from other venues” (average score 2.0), and strongly agreed on the idea of MM as a premier conference (average score 4.2).


One of the goals of this survey was to help the future Program Chairs of MM 2019 understand the extent to which participants agree with the reviewers’ guidelines that will be introduced in the next edition of the conference. To this end, we invited respondents to express their agreement with a fundamental point of these guidelines: “Remember that the problem [..] is expected to involve more than a single modality, or [..] how people interpret and use multimedia. Papers that address a single modality only and also fail to contribute new knowledge on human use of multimedia must be rejected as out of scope for the conference”.  Around 60% agreed or strongly agreed with this statement, while slightly more than 25% disagreed or strongly disagreed. The remaining 15% had no opinion about the statement.

We also asked participants to share with us any further comment regarding this last question or ACM MM in general. People generally approved the introduction of these reviewing guidelines, and the idea of multiple modalities and human perception and applications of multimedia. Some suggested that, given the re-focusing implied by this new reviewing guidelines, the instructions should be made more specific i.e. chairs should clarify the definition of “involve”: how multimodal should the paper be?

Others encouraged to clarify even further the broader scope of ACM Multimedia, defining its position with respect to other multimedia conferences (MMsys, MMM), but also with computer vision conferences such as CVPR/ECCV (and avoid conference dates overlapping).

Some comments proposed to rate papers based on the impact on the community, and on the level of innovation even in  a single modality, as forcing multiple modalities could “alienate” community members.

Beyond reviewing guidelines, a major theme emerging from the free-text comments was about diversity in ACM Multimedia. Several participants called for more geographic diversity in participants and paper authors. Some also noted that more turn-over in the organizing committees should be encouraged. Finally, most participants brought up the need for more balance in MM topics: it was brought up that, while most accepted papers are under the general umbrella of “Multimedia Content Understanding”, MM should encourage in the future more paper about systems, arts, and other emerging topics.

With this bottom-up survey analysis, we aimed to give voice to the major themes that the multimedia community cares about, and hope to continue doing so in the future editions of this column. We would like to thank all researchers and community members who gave their contribution by shaping and filling this survey, and allowed us to get a broader picture of the community perception of ACM MM!

Opinion Column: Review Process of ACM Multimedia


This quarter, our Community column is dedicated to the review process of ACM Multimedia (MM). We report the summary of discussions arisen at various points in time, after the first round of reviews were returned to authors.

The core part of the discussion focused on how to improve review quality for ACM MM. Some participants pointed out that there have been complaints about the level and usefulness of some reviews in recent editions of ACM Multimedia. The members of our discussion forums (Facebook and Linkedin) proposed some solutions.

A semi-automated paper assignment. Participants debated about the best way of assigning papers to reviewers. Some suggested that automated assignment, i.e. using TPMS, helps reducing biases at scale: this year MM followed the review model of CVPR, which handled 1,000+ submissions and peer reviews. Other participants observed that automated assignment systems often fail in matching papers with the right reviewers. This is mainly due to the diversity of the Multimedia field: even within a single area, there is a lot of diversity in expertise and methodologies. Some participants advocated that the best solution is to have two steps (1) a bidding period where reviewers choose their favorite papers based on the areas of expertise, or, alternatively, an automated assignment step; (2) an “expert assignment” period, where, based on the previous choices, Area Chairs select the right people for a paper: a reviewer pool with relevant complementary expertise.

The authors’ advocate. Most participants agreed that the figure of the author’s advocate is crucial for a fair reviewing process, especially for a diverse community such as the Multimedia community. Most participants agreed that the author’s advocate should be provided in all tracks.

Non-anonymity among reviewers. It was observed that revealing the identity of reviewers to the other members of the program committee (e.g. Area Chairs and other reviewers) could encourage responsiveness and commitments during the review and discussion periods.

Quality over quantity. It was pointed out that increasing the number of reviews per paper is not always the right solution. This adds workload on the reviewers, thus potentially decreasing the quality of their reviews.

Less frequent changes in review process. A few participants discussed about the frequency of changes in the review process in ACM MM. In recent years, the conference organizers have tried different review formats, often inspired by other communities. It was observed that this lack of continuity in the review process might not give the time to evaluate the success of a format, or to measure the quality of the conference overall. Moreover, changes should be communicated and announced well before implemented (and repeatedly because people tend to oversight them) to the authors and the reviewers.

This debate lead to a higher-level discussion about the identity of the MM community. Some participants interpreted these frequent changes in the review process as some kind of identity crisis. It was proposed to use empirical evidence (e. g. a community survey) to analyse exactly what the MM community actually is and how it should evaluate itself. The risk of becoming a second tier conference to CVPR was brought up: not only authors submit to MM rejected papers from CVPR, but also, at times, reviewers are assuming that the MM papers have to be reviewed as CVPR papers, thus potentially losing a lot of interesting papers for the conference.

We would like to thank all participants for their time and precious thoughts. As next step for this column, we might consider making short surveys about specific topics, including the ones discussed in this issue of the SIGMM Records opinion column.

We hope this column will foster fruitful discussions during the conference, which will be held in Seoul, Korea, on 22-26 October 2018.

Opinion Column: Privacy and Multimedia


The discussion: multimedia data is affected by new forms of privacy threats, let’s learn, protect, and engage our users.

For this edition of the SIGMM Opinion Column, we carefully selected the discussion’s main topic, looking for an appealing and urgent problem arising for our community. Given the recent Cambridge Analytica’s scandal, and the upcoming enforcement of the General Data Protection Act in EU countries, we thought we should have a collective reflection on  ‘privacy and multimedia’.

The discussion: multimedia data is affected by new forms of privacy threats, let’s learn, protect, and engage our users.

Users share their data often unintentionally. One could indeed observe a diffuse sense of surprise and anger following the data leaks from Cambridge Analytica. As mentioned in a recent blog post from one of the participants, so far, large-scale data leaks have mainly affected private textual and social data of social media users. However, images and videos also contain private user information. There was a general consensus that it is time for our community to start thinking about how to protect private visual and multimedia data.

It was noted that computer vision technologies are now able to infer sensitive information from images (see, for example, a recent work on sexual orientation detection from social media profile pictures). However few technologies exist that defend users against automatic inference of private information from their visual data. We will need to design protection techniques to ensure users’ privacy protection for images as well, beyond simple face de-identification. We might also want users to engage and have fun with image privacy preserving tools, and this is the aim of the Pixel Privacy project.

But in multimedia, we go beyond image analysis. By nature, as multimedia researchers, we combine different sources of information to design better media retrieval or content serving technologies, or to ‘get more than the sum of parts’. While this is what makes our research so special, in the discussion participants noted that multimodal approaches might also generate new forms of privacy threats. Each individual source of data comes with its own privacy dimension, and we should be careful about the multiple privacy breaches we generate by analyzing each modality. At the same time, by combining different medias and their privacy dimensions, and performing massive inference on the global multimodal knowledge, we might also be generating new forms of threats to user privacy that individual stream don’t have.

Finally, we should also inform users about these new potential threats:  as experts who are doing ‘awesome cutting-edge work’, we also have a responsibility to make sure people know what the potential consequences are.

A note on the new format, the response rate, and a call for suggestions!

This quarter, we experimented with a new, slimmer format, hoping to reach out to more members of the community, beyond Facebook subscribers.

We extended the outreach beyond Facebook: we used the SIGMM Linkedin group for our discussion, and we directly contacted senior community members. To engage community members with limited time for long debates, we also lightened the format, asking anyone who is interested in giving us their opinion on the topic to send us or share with the group a one-liner reflecting their view on privacy on multimedia.

Despite the new format, we received a limited number of replies. We will keep trying new formats. Our aim is to generate fruitful  discussions, and gather opinions on crucial problems in a bottom-up fashion. We hope, edition after edition, to get better at giving voice to more and more members of the Multimedia Community.

We are happy to hear your thoughts on how to improve, so please reach out to us!

Opinion Column: Tracks, Reviews and Preliminary Works

In a nutshell, the community agreed that: we need more transparent communication and homogeneous rules across thematic areas; we need more useful rebuttals; there is no need for conflict of interest tracks; large conferences must protect preliminary and emergent research works. Solutions were suggested to improve these points.

Welcome to the first edition of the  SIGMM Community Discussion Column!

As promised in our introductory edition, this column will report highlights and lowlights of online discussion threads among the members of the Multimedia community (see our Facebook MM Community Discussion group).

After an initial poll, this quarter the community chose to discuss about the reviewing process and structure of the SIGMM-sponsored conferences. We organized the discussion around 3 main sub-topics: importance of tracks, structure of reviewing process, and value of preliminary works.  We collected more than 50 contributions from the members of the Facebook MM Community Discussion group. Therefore, the following synthesis represents only these contributions. We encourage everyone to participate in the upcoming discussions, so that this column becomes more and more representative of the entire community.

In a nutshell, the community agreed that: we need more transparent communication and homogeneous rules across thematic areas; we need more useful rebuttals; there is no need for conflict of interest tracks; large conferences must protect preliminary and emergent research works. Solutions were suggested to improve these points.

Communication, Coordination and Transparency. All participants agreed that more vertical (from chairs to authors) and horizontal (in between area chairs or technical program chairs) communication could improve the quality of both papers and reviews in SIGMM-sponsored conferences. For example, lack of transparency and communication regarding procedures might deal to uneven rules and deadlines across tracks.

Tracks. How should conference thematic areas be coordinated? The community’s view can be summarized into 3 main perspectives:

  1. Rule Homogeneity.  The majority of participants agreed that big conferences should have thematic areas, and that tracks should be jointly coordinated by a technical program committee. Tracks are extremely important, but in order for the conference to give an individual, unified message, as opposed to “multi-conferences”, the same review and selection process should apply to all tracks. Moreover, hosting a face to face global TPC meetings is key for a solid, homogeneous conference program.
  2. Non-uniform Selection Process to Help Emerging Areas. A substantial number of participants pointed out that one role of the track system is to help emerging subcommunities: thematic areas ensure a balanced programme with representation from less explored topics (for example, music retrieval or arts and multimedia). Under this perspective, while the reviewing process should be the same for all tracks, the selection phase could be non-uniform. “Mathematically applying a percentage rate per area” does not help selecting the actually high-quality papers across tracks: with a uniformly applied low acceptance rate rule, minor tracks might have one or two papers accepted only, despite the high quality of the submissions.
  3. Abolish Tracks. A minority of participants agreed that, similar to big conferences such as CVPR, tracks should be completely abolished. A rigid track-based structure makes it somehow difficult for authors to choose the right track where to submit; moreover, reviewers and area chairs are often experts in more than one area. These issues could be addressed by a flexible structure where papers are assigned to area chairs and reviewers based on the topic.

Reviewing process  How do we want the reviewing process to be? Here is the view of the community on four main points: rebuttal, reviewing instructions, conflict of interest, and reviewers assignment.

  1. Rebuttal: important, but we need to increase impact. The majority of participants agreed that rebuttal is helpful to increase review quality and to grant authors more room for discussion. However, it was pointed out that sometimes the rebuttal process is slightly overlooked by both reviewers and area chairs, thus decreasing the potential impact of the rebuttal phase. It was suggested that, in order to raise awareness on rebuttal’s value, SIGMM could publish statistics on the number of reviewers who changed their opinion after rebuttal. Moreover, proposed improvements on the rebuttal process included: (1) more time allocated for reviewers to have a discussion regarding the quality of the papers; (2) a post-rebuttal feedback where reviewers respond to authors’ rebuttal (to promote reviewers-authors discussion and increase awareness on both sides) and (3) a closer supervision of the area chairs.
  2. Reviewing Guidelines: complex, but they might help preliminary works. Do reviewing guidelines help reviewers writing better reviews? For most participants, giving instructions to reviewers appear to be somehow impractical, as reviewers do not necessarily read or follow the guidelines. A more feasible solution is to insert weak instructions through specific questions in the reviewing form (e.g. “could you rate the novelty of the paper?”). However, it was also pointed out that written rules could help area chairs justify a rejection of a bad review.  Also, although reviewing instructions might change from track to track, general written rules regarding “what is a good paper” could help the reviewers understand what to accept. For example, clarification is needed on the depth of acceptable research works, and on how preliminary works should be evaluated, given the absence of a short paper track.
  3. Brave New Idea Track: ensuring scientific advancement. Few participants expressed their opinion regarding this track hosting novel, controversial research ideas. They remarked the importance of such a track to ensure scientific advancement, and it was suggested that, in the future, this track could host exploratory works (former short papers), as preliminary research works  are crucial to make a conference exciting.
  4. Conflict of Interest (COI) Track: perhaps we should abolish it. Participants almost unanimously agreed that a COI track is needed only when the conference management system is not able to handle conflicts on its own. It was suggested that, if that is not the case, a COI track might actually have a antithetical effect (is the COI track acceptance rate for ACM MM higher this year?).
  5. Choosing Reviewers: A Semi-Automated Process. The aim of the reviewers assignment procedure is to give the right papers to the right reviewers. How to make this procedure successful? Some participants supported the “fully manual assignment” option, where area chairs directly nominate reviewers for their own track. Others proposed to have a “fully automatic assignment”, based on an automated matching system such as the Toronto Paper Matching System (TPMS). A discussion followed, and eventually most participants agreed on a semi-automated process, having first the TPMS surfacing a relevant pool of reviewers (independent of tracks) and then area chairs manually intervening. Manual inspection of area chairs is crucial for inter-disciplinary papers needing reviews from experts from different areas.

Finally, during the discussion, few observations and questions regarding the future of the community arouse. For example: how to steer the direction of the conference, given the increase in number of AI-related papers? How to support diversity of topics, and encourage papers in novel fields (e.g. arts and music) beyond the legacy (traditional multimedia topics)? Given the wide interest on such issues, we will include these discussion topics in our next pre-discussion poll. To participate in the next discussion, please visit and subscribe to the Facebook MM Community Discussion group, and raise your voice!

Xavier Alameda-Pineda and Miriam Redi.