Beomjoo Seo
Newly emerging game-based application systems provide three-dimensional virtual environments where multiple users interact with each other in real-time. Such virtual worlds are filled with autonomous, mutable virtual content which is continuously augmented by the users. To make the systems highly scalable and dynamically extensible, they are usually built on a client-server based grid subspace division ...
Chrisa Tsinaraki
Interoperable, semantic-based audiovisual content services are necessary in the open Internet environment, where the volume of the available audiovisual information is growing rapidly. Such services can be built on top of structured, semantic-based audiovisual content descriptions. This thesis focuses on the representation and management of the audiovisual content semantics. The representation and management of the audiovisual ...
Knut-Helge Vik
One type of Internet services that have recently gained much attention are services that enable people around the world to communicate in real-time. Such services of real-time interaction are offered by applications most commonly referred to as distributed interactive applications. Concrete examples of distributed interactive applications are multiplayer online games, audio/video conferencing, and many virtual-reality ...
Marek Meyer
This thesis investigates modular reuse of learning resources. In particular, it considers a scenario of reuse in which existing learning resources serve as preliminary products for the creation of new learning resources for Web based training. Authors are interested in reusing the learning resources created by other authors. It is assumed that these authors belong ...
Michael Ransburg
Today’s Internet is accessible to diverse end devices through a wide variety of network types. Independent from this huge amount of usage contexts, content consumers desire to retrieve content with the best possible supported quality. The designers of new media codecs react to this diversity of usage contexts by including adaptation support into the codec ...
Verena Kahmann
At the time being, multimedia services using IP technology are a hot topic for network and service providers. Examples are IPTV, which stands for television broadcast over a (mostly closed) network infrastructure by means of the IP suite, or video on-demand, which allows for watching selected movies via Internet on TV devices or computers in ...
Birgit Zimmermann
Creating high quality E-Learning material is a time and cost consuming task. Re-using existing material could reduce these costs. But often a one-to-one reuse of the existing material is not possible, as the new usage scenario differs from the original one. If, for example, a learning resource created for company A has to be reused ...
Effrosyni Kokiopoulou
Over the past few decades we have been experiencing a data explosion; massive amounts of data are increasingly collected and multimedia databases, such as YouTube and Flickr, are rapidly expanding. At the same time rapid technological advancements in mobile devices and vision sensors have led to the emergence of novel multimedia mining architectures. These produce ...
Eunyee Koh
The importance of digital information collections is growing. Collections are typically represented with text-only, in a linear list format, which turns out to be a weak representation for cognition. We learned this from empirical research in cognitive psychology, and by conducting a study to develop an understanding of current practices and resulting breakdowns in human ...
Kristopher West
This thesis presents a number of modified or novel techniques for the analysis of music audio for the purposes of classifying it according genre or implementing so called `search-by-example’ systems, which recommend music to users and generate playlists and personalised radio stations. Novel procedures for the parameterisation of music audio are introduced, including an audio ...