Christian Timmerer is a researcher, entrepreneur, and teacher on immersive multimedia communication, streaming, adaptation, and Quality of Experience. He is an Assistant Professor at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria and CIO at, Austria. Follow him on Twitter at and subscribe to his blog at
— original posts here and here by Multimedia Communication blog and bitmovin techblog, Christian Timmerer, AAU/bitmovin
The 108th MPEG meeting was held at the Palacio de Congresos de Valencia in Spain featuring the following highlights (no worries about the acronyms, this is on purpose and they will be further explained below):
- Requirements: PSAF, SCC, CDVA
- Systems: M2TS, MPAF, Green Metadata
- Video: CDVS, WVC, VCB
- Audio: 3D audio
The official MPEG press release can be downloaded from the MPEG Web site. Some of the above highlighted topics will be detailed in the following and, of course, there’s an update on DASH-related matters at the end.
As indicated above, MPEG is full of (new) acronyms and in order to become familiar with those, I’ve put them deliberately in the overview but I will explain them further below.
PSAF – Publish/Subscribe Application Format
Publish/subscribe corresponds to a new network paradigm related to content-centric networking (or information-centric networking) where the content is addressed by its name rather than location. An application format within MPEG typically defines a combination of existing MPEG tools jointly addressing the needs for a given application domain, in this case, the publish/subscribe paradigm. The current requirements and a preliminary working draft are publicly available.
SCC – Screen Content Coding
I’ve introduced this topic in my previous report and this meeting the responses to the CfP have been evaluated. In total, seven responses have been received which meet all requirements and, thus, the actual standardization work is transferred to JCT-VC. Interestingly, the results of the CfP are publicly available. Within JCT-VC, a first test model has been defined and core experiments have been established. I will report more on this as an output of the next meetings…
CDVA – Compact Descriptors for Video Analysis
This project has been renamed from compact descriptors for video search to compact descriptors for video analysis and comprises a publicly available vision statement. That is, interested parties are welcome to join this new activity within MPEG.
M2TS – MPEG-2 Transport Stream
At this meeting, various extensions to M2TS have been defined such as transport of multi-view video coding depth information and extensions to HEVC, delivery of timeline for external data as well as carriage of layered HEVC, green metadata, and 3D audio. Hence, M2TS is still very active and multiple amendments are developed in parallel.
MPAF – Multimedia Preservation Application Format
The committee draft for MPAF has been approved and, in this context, MPEG-7 is extended with additional description schemes.
Green Metadata
Well, this standard does not have its own acronym; it’s simply referred to as MPEG-GREEN. The draft international standard has been approved and national bodies will vote on it at the JTC 1 level. It basically defines metadata to allow clients operating in an energy-efficient way. It comes along with amendments to M2TS and ISOBMFF that enable the carriage and storage of this metadata.
CDVS – Compact Descriptors for Visual Search
CDVS is at DIS stage and provide improvements on global descriptors as well as non-normative improvements of key-point detection and matching in terms of speedup and memory consumption. As all standards at DIS stage, national bodies will vote on it at the JTC 1 level.
What’s new in the video/audio-coding domain?
- WVC – Web Video Coding: This project reached final draft international standard with the goal to provide a video-coding standard for Web applications. It basically defines a profile of the MPEG-AVC standard including those tools not encumbered by patents.
- VCB – Video Coding for Browsers: The committee draft for part 31 of MPEG-4 defines video coding for browsers and basically defines VP8 as an international standard. This is explains also the difference to WVC.
- SHVC – Scalable HEVC extensions: As for SVC, SHVC will be defined as an amendment to HEVC providing the same functionality as SVC, scalable video coding functionality.
- MV/3D-HEVC, 3D-AVC: These are multi-view and 3D extensions for the HEVC and AVC standards respectively.
- 3D Audio: Also, no acronym for this standard although I would prefer 3DA. However, CD has been approved at this meeting and the plan is to have DIS at the next meeting. At the same time, the carriage and storage of 3DA is being defined in M2TS and ISOBMFF respectively.
Finally, what’s new in the media transport area, specifically DASH and MMT?
As interested readers know from my previous reports, DASH 2nd edition has been approved has been approved some time ago. In the meantime, a first amendment to the 2nd edition is at draft amendment state including additional profiles (mainly adding xlink support) and time synchronization. A second amendment goes to the first ballot stage referred to as proposed draft amendment and defines spatial relationship description, generalized URL parameters, and other extensions. Eventually, these two amendments will be integrated in the 2nd edition which will become the MPEG-DASH 3rd edition. Also a corrigenda on the 2nd edition is currently under ballot and new contributions are still coming in, i.e., there is still a lot of interest in DASH. For your information – there will be two DASH-related sessions at Streaming Forum 2014.
On the other hand, MMT’s amendment 1 is currently under ballot and amendment 2 defines header compression and cross-layer interface. The latter has been progressed to a study document which will be further discussed at the next meeting. Interestingly, there will be a MMT developer’s day at the 109th MPEG meeting as in Japan, 4K/8K UHDTV services will be launched based on MMT specifications and in Korea and China, implementation of MMT is now under way. The developer’s day will be on July 5th (Saturday), 2014, 10:00 – 17:00 at the Sapporo Convention Center. Therefore, if you don’t know anything about MMT, the developer’s day is certainly a place to be.
Dr. Christian Timmerer
CIO bitmovin GmbH |
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt |
What else? That is, some publicly available MPEG output documents… (Dates indicate availability and end of editing period, if applicable, using the following format YY/MM/DD):
- Text of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 PDAM 7 Carriage of Layered HEVC (14/05/02)
- WD of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 AMD Carriage of Green Metadata (14/04/04)
- WD of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 AMD Carriage of 3D Audio (14/04/04)
- WD of ISO/IEC 13818-1:2013 AMD Carriage of additional audio profiles & levels (14/04/04)
- Text of ISO/IEC 14496-12:2012 PDAM 4 Enhanced audio support (14/04/04)
- TuC on sample variants, signatures and other improvements for the ISOBMFF (14/04/04)
- Text of ISO/IEC CD 14496-22 3rd edition (14/04/04)
- Text of ISO/IEC CD 14496-31 Video Coding for Browsers (14/04/11)
- Text of ISO/IEC 15938-5:2005 PDAM 5 Multiple text encodings, extended classification metadata (14/04/04)
- WD 2 of ISO/IEC 15938-6:201X (2nd edition) (14/05/09)
- Text of ISO/IEC DIS 15938-13 Compact Descriptors for Visual Search (14/04/18)
- Test Model 10: Compact Descriptors for Visual Search (14/05/02)
- WD of ARAF 2nd Edition (14/04/18)
- Use cases for ARAF 2nd Edition (14/04/18)
- WD 5.0 MAR Reference Model (14/04/18)
- Logistic information for the 5th JAhG MAR meeting (14/04/04)
- Text of ISO/IEC CD 23000-15 Multimedia Preservation Application Format (14/04/18)
- WD of Implementation Guideline of MP-AF (14/04/04)
- Requirements for Publish/Subscribe Application Format (PSAF) (14/04/04)
- Preliminary WD of Publish/Subscribe Application Format (14/04/04)
- WD2 of ISO/IEC 23001-4:201X/Amd.1 Parser Instantiation from BSD (14/04/11)
- Text of ISO/IEC 23001-8:2013/DCOR1 (14/04/18)
- Text of ISO/IEC DIS 23001-11 Green Metadata (14/04/25)
- Study Text of ISO/IEC 23002-4:201x/DAM2 FU and FN descriptions for HEVC (14/04/04)
- Text of ISO/IEC 23003-4 CD, Dynamic Range Control (14/04/11)
- MMT Developers’ Day in 109th MPEG meeting (14/04/04)
- Results of CfP on Screen Content Coding Tools for HEVC (14/04/30)
- Study Text of ISO/IEC 23008-2:2013/DAM3 HEVC Scalable Extensions (14/06/06)
- HEVC RExt Test Model 7 (14/06/06)
- Scalable HEVC (SHVC) Test Model 6 (SHM 6) (14/06/06)
- Report on HEVC compression performance verification testing (14/04/25)
- HEVC Screen Content Coding Test Model 1 (SCM 1) (14/04/25)
- Study Text of ISO/IEC 23008-2:2013/PDAM4 3D Video Extensions (14/05/15)
- Test Model 8 of 3D-HEVC and MV-HEVC (14/05/15)
- Text of ISO/IEC 23008-3/CD, 3D audio (14/04/11)
- Listening Test Logistics for 3D Audio Phase 2 (14/04/04)
- Active Downmix Control (14/04/04)
- Text of ISO/IEC PDTR 23008-13 Implementation Guidelines for MPEG Media Transport (14/05/02)
- Text of ISO/IEC 23009-1 2nd edition DAM 1 Extended Profiles and availability time synchronization (14/04/18)
- Text of ISO/IEC 23009-1 2nd edition PDAM 2 Spatial Relationship Description, Generalized URL parameters and other extensions (14/04/18)
- Text of ISO/IEC PDTR 23009-3 2nd edition DASH Implementation Guidelines (14/04/18)
- MPEG vision for Compact Descriptors for Video Analysis (CDVA) (14/04/04)
- Plan of FTV Seminar at 109th MPEG Meeting (14/04/04)
- Draft Requirements and Explorations for HDR /WCG Content Distribution and Storage (14/04/04)
- Working Draft 2 of Internet Video Coding (IVC) (14/04/18)
- Internet Video Coding Test Model (ITM) v 9.0 (14/04/18)
- Uniform Timeline Alignment (14/04/18)
- Plan of Seminar on Hybrid Delivery at the 110th MPEG Meeting (14/04/04)
- WD 2 of MPEG User Description (14/04/04)