Markus Fiedler (Blekinge Institute of Technology, Dept. of Technology and Aesthetics, Karlshamn, Sweden)
Lea Skorin-Kapov, (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, Croatia)
Tobias Hoßfeld (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Christian Timmerer (Alpen-Adria-Universität (AAU) Klagenfurt and Bitmovin Inc., Austria)
Immersive experiences have the potential of redefining traditional forms of media engagement by intricately combining reality with imagination. Motivated by necessities, current developments and emerging technologies, this column sets out to bridge immersive experiences in both digital and physical realities. Fitting under the umbrella term of eXtended Reality (XR), the first section describes various realizations of blending digital and physical elements to design what we refer to as immersive digiphysical experiences. We further highlight industry and research initiatives related to driving the design and development of such experiences, considered to be key building-blocks of the futuristic ‘metaverse’. The second section outlines challenges related to assessing, modeling, and managing the Quality of Experience (QoE) of immersive digiphysical experiences and reflects upon ongoing work in the area. While potential use cases span a wide range of application domains, the third section elaborates on the specific case of conference organization, which has over the past few years spanned from fully physical, to fully virtual, and finally to attempts at hybrid organization. We believe this use case provides valuable insights into needs and promising approaches, to be demonstrated and experienced at the upcoming 16th edition of the International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2024) in Karlshamn, Sweden in June 2024.

Bridging The Digital And Physical Worlds
According to [IMeX WP, 2020], immersive media have been described as involving “multi-modal human-computer interaction where either a user is immersed inside a digital/virtual space or digital/virtual artifacts become a part of the physical world”. Spanning the so-called virtuality continuum [Milgram, 1995], immersive media experiences may involve various realizations of bridging the digital and physical worlds, such as the seamless integration of digital content with the real world (via Augmented or Mixed Reality, AR/MR), and vice versa by incorporating real objects into a virtual environment (Augmented Virtuality, AV). More recently, the term eXtended Reality (XR) (also sometimes referred to as xReality) has been used as an umbrella term for a wide range of levels of “realities”, with [Rauschnabel, 2022] proposing a distinction between AR/MR and Virtual Reality (VR) based on whether the physical environment is, at least visually, part of the user’s experience.
By seamlessly merging digital and physical elements and supporting real-time user engagement with both digital and physical components, immersive digiphysical (i.e., both digitally and physically accessible [Westerlund, 2020]) experiences have the potential of providing compelling experiences blurring the distinction between the real and virtual worlds. A key aspect is that of digital elements responding to user input or the physical environment, and the physical environment responding to interactions with digital objects. Going beyond only visual or auditory stimuli, the incorporation of additional senses, for example via haptic feedback or olfactory elements, can contribute to multisensory engagement [Gibbs, 2022].
The rapid development of XR technologies has been recognized as a key contributor to realizing a wide range of applications built on the fusion of the digital and physical worlds [NEM WP, 2022]. In its contribution to the European XR Coalition (launched by the European Commission), the New European Media Initiative (NEM), Europe’s Technology Platform of Horizon 2020 dedicated to driving the future of digital experiences, calls for needed actions from both industry and research perspectives addressing challenges related to social and human centered XR as well as XR communication aspects [NEM XR, 2022]. One such initiative is the Horizon 2020 TRANSMIXR project [TRANSMIXR], aimed at developing a distributed XR creation environment that supports remote collaboration practices, as well as an XR media experience environment for the delivery and consumption of social immersive media experiences. The NEM initiative further identifies the need for scalable solutions to obtain plausible and convincing virtual copies of physical objects and environments, as well as solutions supporting seamless and convincing interaction between the physical and the virtual world. Among key technologies and infrastructures needed to overcome outlined challenges, the following are identified [NEM XR, 2022]: high bandwidth and low-latency energy-efficient networks; remote computing for processing and rendering deployed on cloud and edge infrastructures; tools for the creation and updating of digital twins (DT) to strengthen the link between the real and virtual worlds, integrating Internet of Things (IoT) platforms; hardware in the form of advanced displays; and various content creation tools relying on interoperable formats.

Looking towards the future, immersive digiphysical experiences set the stage for visions of the metaverse [Wang, 2023], described as representing the evolution of the Internet towards a platform enabling immersive, persistent, and interconnected virtual environments blending digital and physical [Lee, 2021].[Wang, 2022] see the metaverse as `created by the convergence of physically persistent virtual space and virtually enhance physical reality’. The metaverse is further seen as a platform offering the potential to host real-time multisensory social interactions (e.g., involving sight, hearing, touch) between people communicating with each other in real-time via avatars [Hennig-Thurau, 2023]. As of 2022, the Metaverse Standards Forum is proving a venue for industry coordination fostering the development of interoperability standards for an open and inclusive metaverse [Metaverse, 2023]. Relevant existing standards include: ISO/IEC 23005 (MPEG-V) (standardization of interfaces between the real world and the virtual world, and among virtual worlds) [ISO/IEC 23055], IEEE 2888 (definition of standardized interfaces for synchronization of cyber and physical worlds) [IEEE 2888], and MPEG-I (standards to digitally represent immersive media) [ISO/IEC 23090].
Research Challenges For The Qoe Community
Achieving wide-spread adoption of XR-based services providing digiphysical experiences across a broad range of application domains (e.g., education, industry & manufacturing, healthcare, engineering, etc.) inherently requires ensuring intuitive, comfortable, and positive user experiences. While research efforts in meeting such requirements are well under way, a number of open challenges remain.
Quality of Experience (QoE) for immersive media has been defined as [IMeX WP, 2020] “the degree of delight or annoyance of the user of an application or service which involves an immersive media experience. It results from the fulfillment of his or her expectations with respect to the utility and/or enjoyment of the application or service in the light of the user’s personality and current state.” Furthermore, a bridge between QoE and UX has been established through the concept of Quality of User Experience (QUX), combining hedonic, eudaimonic and pragmatic aspects of QoE and UX [Egger-Lampl, 2019]. In the context of immersive communication and collaboration services, significant efforts are being invested towards understanding and optimizing the end user experience [Perez, 2022].
The White Paper [IMeX WP, 2020] ties immersion to the digital media world (“The more the system blocks out stimuli from the physical world, the more the system is considered to be immersive.”). Nevertheless, immersion as such exists in physical contexts as well, e.g., when reading a captivating book. MR, XR and AV scenarios are digiphysical in their nature. These considerations pose several challenges:
- Achieving intuitive and natural interactive experiences [Hennig-Thurau, 2023] when mixing realities.
- Developing a common understanding of MR-, XR- and AV-related challenges in digiphysical multi-modal multi-party settings.
- Advancing VR, AR, MR, XR and AV technologies to allow for truly digiphysical experiences.
- Measuring and modeling QoE, UX and QUX for immersive digiphysical services, covering overall methodology, measurement instruments, modeling approaches, test environments and application domains.
- Management of the networked infrastructure to support immersive digiphysical experiences with appropriate QoE, UX and QUX.
- Sustainability considerations in terms of environmental footprint, accessibility, equality of opportunities in various parts of the world, and cost/benefit ratio.
Challenges 1 and 2 demand for an experience-based bottom-up approach to focus on the most important aspects. Examples include designing and evaluating different user representations [Aseeri, 2021][Viola, 2023], natural interaction techniques [Spittle, 2023] and use of different environments by participants (AR/MR/VR) [Moslavac, 2023]. The latter has shown beneficial for challenges 3 (cf. the emergence of MR-/XR-/AV-supporting head-mounted devices such as the Microsoft Hololens and recent pass-through versions of the Meta Quest) and 4. Finally, challenges 5 and 6 need to be carefully addressed to allow for long-term adoption and feasibility.
Challenges 1 to 4 have been addressed in standardization. For instance, ITU-T Recommendation P.1320 specifies QoE assessment procedures and metrics for the evaluation of XR telemeetings, outlining various categories of QoE influence factors and use cases [ITU-T Rec. P.1320, 2022] (adopted from the 3GPP technical report TR 26.928 on XR technology in 5G). The corresponding ITU-T Study Group 12 (Question 10) developed a taxonomy of telemeetings [ITU-T Rec. G.1092, 2023], providing a systematic classification of telemeeting systems. Ongoing joint efforts between the VQEG Immersive Media Group and ITU-T Study Group 12 are targeted towards specifying interactive test methods for subjective assessment of XR communications [ITU-T P.IXC, 2022].
The complexity of the aforementioned challenges demand for a combination of fundamental work, use cases, implementations, demonstrations, and testing. One specific use case that has shown its urge during recent years in combining digital and physical realities is that of hybrid conference organization, touching in particular on the challenge of achieving intuitive and natural interactions between remote and physically present participants. We consider this use case in detail in the following section, referring to the organization of the International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX) as an example.
Immersive Communication And Collaboration: The Case Of Conference Organization
What seemed to be impossible and was undesirable in the past, became a necessity overnight during the CoVid-19 pandemic: running conferences as fully virtual events. Many research communities succeeded in adapting ongoing conference organizations such that communities could meet, present, demonstrate and socialize online. The conference QoMEX 2020 is one such example, whose organizers introduced a set of innovative instruments to mutually interact and enjoy, such as virtual Mozilla Hubs spaces for poster presentations and a music session with prerecorded contributions mixed to form a joint performance to be enjoyed virtually together. A yet unknown inventiveness was observed to make the best out of the heavily travel-restricted situation. Furthermore, the technical approaches varied from off-the-shelf systems (such as Zoom or Teams) to custom-built applications. However, the majority of meetings during CoVid times, no matter scale and nature, were run in unnatural 2D on-screen settings. The frequently reported phenomenon of videoconference (VC) fatigue can be attributed to a set of personal, organizational, technical and environmental factors [Döring, 2022]. Indeed, talking to one’s computer with many faces staring back, limited possibilities to move freely, technostress [Brod, 1984] and organizational mishaps made many people tired of VC technology that was designed for a better purpose, but could not get close enough to a natural real-life experience.
As CoVid was on its retreat, conferences again became physical events and communities enjoyed meeting again, e.g., at QoMEX 2022. However, voices were raised that asked for remote participation for various reasons, such as time or budget restrictions, environmental sustainability considerations, or simply the comfort of being able to work from home. With remote participation came the challenge of bridging between in-person and remote participants, i.e., turning conferences into hybrid events [Bajpai, 2022]. However, there are many mixed experiences from hybrid conferences, both with onsite and online participants: (1) The onsite participants suffer from interruptions of the session flow needed to fix problems with the online participation tool. Their readiness to devote effort, time, and money to participate in a future hybrid event in person might suffer from such issues, which in turn would weaken the corresponding communities; (2) The online participants suffer from similar issues, where sound irregularities (echo, excessive sound volumes, etc.) are felt to be particularly disturbing, along with feelings of being not properly included e.g., in Q&A-sessions and personal interactions. At both ends, clear signs of technostress and “us-and-them” feelings can be observed. Consequently, and despite good intentions and advice [Bajpai, 2022], any hybrid conference might miss its main purpose to bring researchers together to present, discuss and socialize. To avoid the above-listed issues, the post-CoVid QoMEX conferences (since 2022) avoided hybrid operations, with few exceptions.
A conference is a typical case that reveals difficulties in bringing the physical and digital worlds together [Westerlund, 2020], at least when relying upon state-of-the-art telemeeting approaches that have not explicitly been designed for hybrid and digiphysical operations. At the recent 26th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing in Minneapolis, USA (CSCW 2023), one of the panel sessions focused on “Realizing Values in Hybrid Environments”. Panelists and audience shared experiences about successes and failures with hybrid events. The main take-aways were as follows: (1) there is a general lack of know-how, no matter how much funds are allocated, and (2) there is a significant demand for research activities in the area.
Yet, there is hope, as increasingly many VR, MR, XR and AV-supporting devices and applications keep emerging, enabling new kinds and representations of immersive experiences. In a conference context, the latter implies the feeling of “being there”, i.e., being integrated in the conference community, no matter where the participant is located. This calls for new ways of interacting amongst others through various realities (VR/MR/XR), which need to be invented, tried and evaluated in order to offer new and meaningful experiences in telemeeting scenarios [Viola, 2023]. Indeed, CSCW 2023 hosted a specific workshop titled “Emerging Telepresence Technologies for Hybrid Meetings: an Interactive Workshop”, during which visions, experiences, and solutions were shared and could be experienced locally and remotely. About half of the participants were online, successfully interacting with participants onsite via various techniques.
With these challenges and opportunities in mind, the motto of QoMEX 2024 has been set as “Towards immersive digiphysical experiences.” While the conference is organized as an in-person event, a set of carefully selected hybrid activities will be offered to interested remote participants, such as (1) 360° stereoscopic streaming of the keynote speeches and demo sessions, and (2) the option to take part in so-called hybrid experience demos. The 360° stereoscopic streaming has so far been tested successfully in local, national and transatlantic sessions (during the above-mentioned CSCW workshop) with various settings, and further fine-tuning will be done and tested before the conference. With respect to the demo session – and in addition to traditional onsite demos – this year, the conference will in particular solicit hybrid experience demos that enable both onsite and remote participants to test the demo in an immersive environment. Facilities will also be provided for onsite participants to test demos from both the perspective of a local and remote user, enabling them to experience different roles. The organizers of QoMEX 2024 hope that the hybrid activities of QoMEX 2024 will trigger more research interest in these areas along and beyond the classical lines of QoE research (to perform quantitative subjective studies of QoE features and correlating them with QoE factors).

Concluding Remarks
As immersive experiences extend into both digital and physical worlds and realities, there is a great space to conquer for QoE, UX, and QUX-related research. While the recent CoVid pandemic has forced many users to replace physical with digital meetings and sustainability considerations have reduced many peoples’ and organizations’ readiness to (support) travel, shortcomings of hybrid digiphysical meetings have failed to persuade their participants of their superiority over pure online or on-site meetings. Indeed, one promising path towards a successful integration of physical and digital worlds consists of trying out, experiencing, reflecting, and deriving important research questions for and beyond the QoE research community The upcoming conference QoMEX 2024 will be a stop along this road with carefully selected hybrid experiences aimed at boosting research and best practice in the QoE domain towards immersive digiphysical experiences.
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